Friday, November 20, 2009

28 Weeks 3 Days - Seventh Appointment

Today I had an OB appointment as well as my glucose tolerance test. I have been dreading this particular appointment since I found I was pregnant because I was always so afraid that I was going to have gestational diabetes. My reasoning behind this, is when I was in nursing school, back in 1994, I had a problem with my sugar then and had a 3 hour glucose tolerance test. Basically the findings were that my sugar would get really high after I ate and then my natural insulin would kick in and drop my sugar really low and make me very fatigued. To make a long story short, my doctor told me then that I would probably have gestational diabetes whenever I did decide to have a child. Also, I feel like I have my age going against me.

So, I was called back and instructed to drink my orange (syrup) soda and then she obtained my weight - which I have now gained twenty pounds. Camden's heart rate was 140 bpm by doppler and my fundal height was 27cm - which is right on cue. Dr. D and I discussed pre-term labor and she ordered a follow up urine test to make sure my urinary tract infection was all gone, which I suspect it is. We also discussed if I wanted to have natural child birth or an epidural. I am not opposed to trying natural, but if I feel the need for an epidural will definitely ask. She told me that I needed to discuss with the neurologist about having an epidural. Apparently epidurals can cause people with MS to have flare ups post-partum, which she knows I don't have MS, but felt I should discuss with him this since I have an increased risk of getting it in the future. So I will ask Dr. Hogan when I see him on Wednesday. After my appointment with Dr. D, I went back to work, (since my office is the floor right below the OB doctor) and after my hour was up, I went back to the OB lab for them to check my sugar. Now, they want it to be 140 or less one hour after ingesting the syrup, and don't you know, mine was 178. I FAILED miserably!!!! So, now I will be having the three hour glucose tolerance test on Monday - which stinks since it is right before Thanksgiving. I honestly do not think I will pass it either since I failed by such a huge margin, so I am feeling a bit bummed about it all.

I must remember that Camden is moving as he should, my measurements do not appear to be large, so as for now, he is right on target with his growth. I will try to focus on the positives of all this and just do whatever it is I need to do to have a healthy baby boy.

How our baby is growing:

By this week, our baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through my womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

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