Tuesday, October 20, 2009

23 Weeks 5 Days

Yesterday was a day of relaxing, infusions, and football. Since Dr. DiPiazza had told me that she did not want me to go to the Alabama football game, Shane invited his Uncle Ronald (who lives in Birmingham) to go with him. I was excited that they were able to share that time together, but a little more selfishly, I was excited that his Aunt Manya was going to come over and watch the game with me. Once the boys left, we decided our food agenda, which once again was a good one for me. We decided we were going to the Waffle House for a patty melt and hash browns. YUMMMM!!! I don't even know the last time I ate that, because that is not a place Shane cares to go! So we ate there and came home and watched the game on TV. We were both pleased that we were able to watch the game in the heat, versus the cold that it was outside!!

Today, my last infusion was at 10:00 am and then I was able to discontinue the darned IV. I was so excited to take that darn thing out. The home health nurse came around 11:00 am for my last blood draw and to discharge me from their services. I unfortunately had to miss church, but Shane did go. When he got home, we headed out to Target and Toys R Us to register. It really wasn't until today that I started feeling the real effects of fluid build up. Up until this time, my only real side effects from the Solu-Medrol were a slight headache all day as well as bad reflux. But today, it was harder to breath, hard to get up and down, and I felt like I was loosing my voice all day. That, in combination with what I considered was a little stress from registering, pretty much tired me out. I enjoyed picking things out for Camden, but felt at such a loss if I was really picking the right things we needed. I decided in my heart of hearts, that honestly if he has love, comfort, protection and all the basic things he needs from Shane and me, the others are things that will make our lives easier, not necessarily his. So, I put my trust in my friends that have given me great ideas as well as a few motherly instincts, and pray that the list has the main things it needs!!!

The other thing we finally decided on today was bedding. As I have said from the beginning, I like the more contemporary things, and really did not want a theme. Of course after us not agreeing on colors, I had ran across a bedding set called Cooperstown that has a baseball type theme. When my mother and I went shopping at a baby store in Houston a few weekends ago she and I actually got to see it in person and mom thought it was perfect. I myself still was not sure. But I gave Shane three different beddings to choose between, and that is what he chose. I must say, it is something I like and think it is fitting for my husband's son!!! : )

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that bedding! It is so perfect! I'm glad you decided on something!
