Monday, June 4, 2012

39 Week Appointment

Yesterday I received a call from the hospital informing me that someone ahead of me on the list had their baby, so I was definitely scheduled to come in on Thursday for induction. I was told to be there at 6:00 am. Not a problem - however it would still be nice if Casen would come on his own before then.

Today, I went for my appointment with Dr. Bruce and Camden went with me (which he did awesome). Once again, no change in my cervix - still 4 cm and slightly thick. As Dr. Bruce said, I am the person that allows her to tell patients that you can walk around for 2 weeks at 4 cm and it be true - Thanks, really!!!! I did lose a pound since my last visit, probably due to vomiting on Saturday as well as decreased food consumption. I am still not certain as to why I have been vomiting, however I can only imagine that even though I am not eating till I feel full or eating that much, Casen must have my stomach all cramped up. So to fix that problem, I have been eating very small meals, however due to my decreased appetite I am probably not eating as frequently as I should. Dr. Bruce just told me to make sure and stay hydrated so that the changes that occur through the labor and birthing process is easier on me and the baby.

Camden waiting for Dr. Bruce to come and check me  

As for Thursday, Dr. Bruce said she would probably break my water around 8:30 am and since I am already half way there being dilated 4 cm, hopefully by noon we will have a baby. That all sounds good in theory, however after my last birthing experience, I am not holding my breath!

I talked with my mom after my appointment, and she and my dad will be arriving tomorrow - which is good. I have worried that if I went into labor that they would not make it in time, since they are about 4 or so hours away. Shane is still working, and actually was not supposed to be finished with school until Friday. But, due to circumstances, it looks like his last day will be Wednesday. Thank goodness it all seems to be coming together and Casen will be here by Thursday.

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