Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Fourth of July

With the news of Shane's uncle Harold dying late Wednesday night, we made plans to head to Alabama for the funeral. With Camden in Kerrville with my parents, I made plans to meet them in Luling today at 11:00 am to pick him up and bring him home so we could head to Lumberton this evening and spend the night at Shane's parents house as we head towards Birmingham, Alabama tomorrow. The trip to Luling is generally 2 hours so as I headed out this morning Shane thought it would be nice for me to take Casen since he has been missing his bother. Well, due to a hazmat spill on I-10 which caused us to divert off our regular path, my two hour trip to Luling turned into 5 1/4 hours one way and then having to go out of my a bit on the way home, a 2 1/2 hour trip back. Definitely not what I wanted to do with poor Casen prior to our road trip tomorrow.

My view for hours
I was really sad about having to get Camden early from my parents because he had several things planned, one of which was watching the fireworks shows with them where they live. He was so excited because my mom had bought him a shirt to wear for today as well as glow sticks for tonight. When we told him last night on the phone that I was having to come and get him today, he cried so heart broken that he was going to miss the fireworks. Shane knew we were going to have to find fireworks for him to see to remedy this problem.By the time the boys and I got home and I got everyone packed up and we ate supper, we pulled into Beaumont around 8:30 pm which was just 30 minutes prior to the fireworks show downtown. We decided to stop downtown and let the boys watch the show. Camden was thrilled - this was the first time he truly sat and enjoyed the fireworks. Casen on the other hand just thought they were too loud!

Ready for the Fireworks
Love my silly boys

What ended up being a very long day for us, ended on a really bright and happy note. There is nothing like seeing the joy of a child enjoying fireworks while celebrating the independence of our nation.

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