Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bye Bye Perfect Attendance

I have been so proud that Camden has had perfect attendance at school this year. No one is probably even aware of that, but I am and have been so excited about it! With less than 6 weeks of school left, I was hoping that he would make it the whole school year with out missing a day. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Yesterday I received an email asking me to come and pick Camden up due to pink eye. He apparently woke up from his nap with both eyes gunky. When I arrived, it was quite obvious that he definitely had conjunctivitis.

 I was not a happy camper mainly because they implemented a new rule several months ago that if your child has conjunctivitis, you have to have a note from a doctor releasing the child to return to school. What a waste of money for me when I already have drops at home!!!! I called the doctor's office and of course since it has been forever since Camden had pink eye, they wanted to see him. Problem with that was, he would have to go to the after hours clinic which was an extra $35 on top of the $85 or $90 office visit. So I decided to just take him to the local Walgreens clinic where after waiting 2 hours, we were seen, prescribed eye drops and given a note for him to return to school today.

Eating Teddy Grahams while
waiting our turn at Walgreens
I was thrilled the nurse practitioner gave us a note for Camden to return today, however when he woke up this morning, his eyes were matted shut, he still had a lot of discharge, and his eyes had allergy shiners so there was no way I could send him.

When I arrived at school with Casen, they asked about Camden and when I gave her the note stating he could return today she asked where he was. I told her how he looked and she said that regardless, he could have come since the doctor released him. Oh well, even though I would have like for him to have perfect attendance, I didn't want him spreading it to others at school.

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