Monday, June 3, 2024

Baseball and Missions

It is mission week and Camden has been looking forward to this particular week since his mission last year. Yesterday he and I were up bright and early as he had to be at Faithbridge church by 6:00am to head off to Lubbock for the week. While he was not placed in the same mission group with his good friends, Cole and Trennan, I have no doubt by the end of the week, he will have formed some good friendships with those in his group.

The parents received this picture from 
one of the leaders.

While Camden was headed to Lubbock, Casen was playing baseball. His team played up in a 13U tournament, which means the bases are further apart and the pitcher's mound is further away. They had a great weekend and ended up winning the tournament. One of the team mom took action pictures of the boys and shared them with us. 



The tournament finished late, so after Casen's win, we picked up some Whataburger and headed home to eat it. After eating, I packed my remaining things and got on the road at 10:15pm headed to Round Rock for a Texas School Nurse Administrator Association Meeting for a few days. I arrived there sometime after midnight and while it was a long day rising early with Camden and finishing off the night with a tournament win with Casen, I wouldn't change a thing!

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