Saturday, October 12, 2013

Soccer Game #4

Today was game #4 for Camden and as usual he was excited and ready to go. He started out a little slow today at the game - just kind of chasing his friends around instead of focusing on the ball. After not playing so well the first quarter, Shane and he had a talk and when he went back in, he did great. He scored 2 goals and of course after the first one had to run over to the side lines to get a hug and a high five from his proud momma. Needless to say, I do believe they lost due to a kid on the other team who had to have been at least a year older, literally getting the ball every time and taking it to his end and then scoring. Honestly, not only was it sad for our kids, but it was also sad for the kids on the other team because NO ONE got the ball except for him. The coach had him in the game the majority of the time. Finally, the other teams coaches' mom was there and went up to him and told him to take that kid out of the game. Thank goodness he did so that all the other kids could play and enjoy the game. A good bonus about today's game was I FINALLY got one of his goals on video and one on camera. Generally I am too excited to video tape his good playing!

Camden and Coach Brandy

Camden's second goal of the game

Camden trying to get the ball from the great player on the other team

Landon and Camden enjoying their post game snack

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