Thursday, January 5, 2012

100 Weeks Old

I receive weekly updates from a website that informs me how old Camden is and how he should be progressing. Well, I do know how old my child is, however I know it by months, not weeks. But how exciting that this week I was informed that he is 100 weeks old!!! So, I thought I would spend a little time writing about different hings Camden likes or is doing.

Camden LOVES:
 - mexican food, namely chips and salsa and tacos
 - to kick his soccer ball
  - to throw the football
 - Kit Kats
 - to give hugs and kisses
 - to watch Yo Gabba Gabba (the one with Jack Black and the one where Muno's family visits)
 - babies
 - his Elmo slippers

 - donuts
 - to ride his bike
 - his sunglasses

 - to wear clothes that have a sports theme on them
 - to watch any sport on TV, including UFC wrestling
 - to dance
 - to sing (his favorites are Twinkle Twinkle, Bah Bah Black Sheep and the ABC's)
 - to read or to be read to
 - to play with his motorcycles and to see them on the road
 - school buses
 - his school, his friends and his teachers
 - ice cream
 - to take a bath
 - to slide and swing
 - Zach, the dog

I know there are plenty more things he loves, but those are the things we encounter or talk about on a daily basis. It is so fun watching him grow and to see his little personality grow, even if he can be a bit stubborn (wonder where he gets that from !?!?) Happy 100 Weeks Old Camden!

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