Saturday, June 5, 2010

Here, There, and Everywhere

After consulting the pediatrician, I decided we would try cereal today. It is not that we need it at night to help Camden sleep longer, since he already sleeps about 12 hours a night, but I was hoping that maybe it would help his caloric intake. So after his morning bottle, I sat him in his Boppy and gave it a whirl. It was very interesting and funny to see his reaction to this foreign substance. He gagged a few times at the beginning, which I can't blame him because the smell alone is not nice. We got cereal here, there and everywhere, but luckily since he has no hair, he was easy to clean up! All in all, I think he did pretty good for his first time.

We're going to do what???

Wide-eyed after his first bite

Apparently his mouth is not an easy target.

Camden thought it was funny to have cereal EVERYWHERE!

I think this look about says it all!

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