Saturday, June 27, 2015

Summer Soccer Continues

Summer soccer continues, and while Camden is doing great and scoring a goal in every game, we can not say the same for Casen. Every week he acts so excited for his soccer game and can't wait to play and then . . . . . . .nothing but crying. He refuses to play with the other kids - he sometimes will kick a ball that the coach will send his way while the other kids are playing at the other end of the field, but that is as good as we get. Talk about FRUSTRATING!!!! I tell you, he is a great little soccer player at home - very aggressive when playing against Camden. I am not sure what happens to him when we arrive at the fields, but I am ready for his hard headed self to decide he is ready to play.

Camden's team is really not good, honestly they have lost every game. There is only one or two other players that act like they really know what is going on, thus it makes it difficult for his team to score or block goals for that matter. Camden obviously knows they are loosing, but luckily it doesn't seem to bother him too bad at this point.

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