Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Houston Rodeo

Unfortunately spring break turned out to be a week filled with illness at our house. On Monday night Shane started with a horrible 48 hour stomach virus which he so lovingly gave to me. My started on Wednesday night, but luckily mine lasted less than 24 hours and was not as severe as his. And then of course Camden's allergic reaction to what we finally figured out was the new pillow, led me having to take him to the doctor on Wednesday due to him complaining of an ear ache. The doctor could not see his ear drum very well due to wax, but did feel like he had a sinus infection as well as conjunctivitis (which I disagree with) and prescribed him Augmentin to take. So needless to say, knowing how much I can not stand to sit at home, I was more than ready to get out and do something!

So this morning we all got up bright and earlier and headed to the Houston Rodeo. We got there a little after the exhibits opened and I must say it was great timing. We had not told Camden we were going to the rodeo until he got up this morning and after I told him, the first thing he said was, "I want to see the cows!" I am so glad he listened at school when they celebrated the rodeo and was excited about going. He had a great time at the petting zoo, getting to see all the different animals, watching some Mutton Bustin' and going through the kids farm.

Camden learned about being a farmer

Daddy showing Camden how to pet the deer nicely

Petting a lamb

Posing with the goats - although keeping his distance

Talking to the baby chics through the glass

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