Sunday, September 4, 2022

Fall Sports Have Begun

Fall sports for both boys have already started. Casen had his first flag football game the weekend before school started. Camden's first soccer game/tournament was supposed to be last weekend, however after an extremely dry summer, we have had a lot of rain recently which is messing with our outdoor sports.
Casen has had two flag football games, both of which they have won. He played quarterback some in his last game and did well.

Camden made the school cross country team and was scheduled to have his first meet after school on Friday. Shane, Casen and I headed to Grand Oaks High School in Conroe after school to watch, however once we arrived there the rain came pouring down and the meet got cancelled. 

The pic Camden sends me while
waiting on the bus during 
the rain delay.

We made our way home, packed up the car, dropped off Nina at my sister's and headed to Austin for Camden to play in the Lonestar Labor Day Cup. We woke up bright and early and headed out to the field Saturday morning for an 8:00am game, which they ended up losing. We headed back to the hotel, rested a little, ate some lunch, then headed back to the field for a 2:00pm game. Once we got to the field, the rain started coming down and after sitting in our cars for a few hours, they finally cancelled the game. 

We headed to Dave and Buster's that evening for the team to have some bonding time and then afterwards, they went swimming at the hotel.

While we were having our own fun, Nina was enjoying her time at my sister's. She apparently was getting lots of belly rubs (one of her favorites) and snuggling.

We woke up this morning and headed to the fields for an 11:00am game, which his team ended up losing. Camden's soccer team has several new players, including a new goalie, and they have had several of their practices rained out. We have hope that with more time and practice they will become stronger and more competitive. 

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