It seems like Camden has become such a big boy overnight. This week he has seemed to really 'move up' in the world, as I like to tell him. It started with how great he was with each of his breathing treatments he received. We thought after how he was in the doctor's office that we were going to fight him each time he had to have a treatment. But, as you can see from the picture, for the ten minute treatment he would just sit there so patiently and quietly and wait for it to be done. He wouldn't even move his head, but instead would just follow you with his eyes.

The Prednisone he was on had him wired. He would hardly nap, and as a matter of fact, yesterday he didn't even have a nap, and yet was still pleasant. Luckily, his cough and congestion are much better.

He finally actually started feeding himself. He has been putting food in his own mouth, but with much coaxing and help from us. After I had worked and worked with him for quiet sometime, Shane showed him how to do it once, and lo and behold, he did it all on his own. I tell you what, he sure knows how to play his momma!

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