Today when we dropped off Camden at daycare, I mentioned to his teachers that next week I may let them loose with feeding him their food. I think they were a bit surprised because they had not realized that he has been feeding himself at home. Up until this point, I have refrained from their food due to a large portion of them containing dairy or egg. But, this past weekend I fed him some food that contained heavy creme and eggs and he did just perfect. I plan on trying him this weekend with some yogurt and some type of food containing cheese, and if all goes well, then we should be good to go with all foods.
Well, when we arrived this afternoon to pick Camden up from school, I noticed on his take home sheet that informs us about his day, that he had hot dogs for lunch!! YEA!!!! His teacher told me that they were all on stand by ready to do the Heimlich but that he did perfect and ate about 1/3 of a whole hot dog. (And yes, for those of you concerned, they cut the hot dog into very small pieces.) I am such a proud mommy!

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