Today was Camden's scheduled GI doctor's appointment. When he went for his 9 month appointment with Dr. Taylor, his pediatrician, she suggested we follow up with a
gastroenterologist due to his history of reflux, constipation and slow weight gain. She scheduled an appointment with a doctor at Texas Children's Health Center in the Woodlands by the name of Dr.
Vartabedian. She felt like I would like him and she was definitely right! He was very nice and informative. We sat and talked about Camden's history and after many questions and answers, he examined Camden. He then turned to the dry erase board on the wall and started writing points to sum up our conversation. Basically, he suggested we change the
Omeprazole Camden is currently on for his reflux. He said that when this particular medication is compounded (which is how we have been receiving it) it loses some of its efficacy. He felt like we should go to
Prevacid, which is a capsule that we can just sprinkle in his food or some applesauce. He felt like the reflux should improve between 12 and 18 months. He thought that we could have gone ahead and tried Camden without his reflux medication now, but I informed him that with Camden's recent illness and with being on
Prednisone and
Omnicef, his reflux had flared back up. He agreed we should stay on it for several months longer then. Second, he felt we should continue the
Miralax for the constipation at least until he is potty trained, so as to avoid an aversion to using the bathroom due to pain from constipation. Lastly, he thought it would be fine to try cow's milk at one year of age, and if Camden did not seem to tolerate that well, then to either go with the toddler formula that is soy based, or use Silk soy milk. Personally, since I would like to get away from the cost of formula, we will go the milk route. He did not see a need to follow up with Camden, unless we were still having problems at 18 months.
Fortunately, Camden was very cooperative and pleasant while at the appointment. It was nap time when we left, so he fell asleep and rested peacefully on the way home.

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