Camden's sinus infection has definitely improved since his doctor's visit last week. However, the cough/chest congestion he had has only worsened. Since Friday, when he drinks his bottle, he can hardly drink for coughing. His lungs have sounded very
junky and wet for several days, but he had not had any wheezing, until today. Last night I had pretty much decided that if he was no better today, I was calling the doctor. Well, he was no better so I called the doctor's office and they requested that we bring him in. We saw a different doctor in the group, Dr.
Worrall, since Dr. Taylor was not in. He listened to Camden and said that he was definitely wheezing and went ahead and gave him a breathing treatment in the office. He also looked in his ears and said that they looked fine. After the breathing treatment, Camden was still wheezing so he decided to put him on five days of
Prednisone and
Albuterol breathing treatments. He felt like Camden's problem was viral since he has been on antibiotics for the sinusitis. Camden is not very fond of the breathing treatments, but they definitely are making him feel better!
Today is the last day of winter break, so we all head back to school tomorrow. Hopefully Camden has gotten all of his sickness out of the way so he can enjoy his teachers and friends.

he is so dang precious!!!