Last week, I had told Camden's teachers that if he tolerated some foods this weekend, then we would let him loose on eating the food they offer. Yesterday, Shane and I had to ride separately to school, so he took Camden to daycare. When Shane dropped him off, they asked him if he was going to eat their lunch now. Shane and I had not discussed it, so he had no idea. They informed him that they were having ham and cheese sandwiches if we decided to let him eat it. When Shane got to school and told me, I emailed them and told them to let Camden at it. When I went to pick him, I was informed that he ate a ham and cheese sandwich, which consisted of two pieces of bread, ham and cheese. When I asked how much he ate, I was surprised when she informed me that he ate 1/2 sandwich! They sent home a menu with us that lists what they have for breakfast, lunch and snacks and I reviewed it and circled on the menu what I thought he could have. I decided that they could start feeding him breakfast also, which was a big step for us.
Today, our routine changed. Camden got to get up a bit later, and instead of his full breakfast, he just got his formula with a little banana , which he really likes. At school, he ended up having a
kolache for breakfast, grilled cheese for lunch (which they said he loved), goldfish and some fruit.
So, to say the least, my baby is gone. He is now a big boy eating big boy food and loving every second of it!! I am grateful that he has transitioned so well, however a part of me is sad that my baby is gone. I will look at the positives though and will pray that this helps us put on more weight. Now, the next step is introducing milk. Stay tuned for that transition!

Camden showing off his goldfish.
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