Monday, January 31, 2011
The Crawl
Camden has learned to crawl!!! OK, maybe not what we would think of as a normal crawl for a baby, but it is his version and he is so proud! He can actually make it around the room if he wants to bad enough. When he and Shane are playing catch and he misses the ball, he goes 'crawling' after it. I have no way to explain what he does, except to say that he somehow scoots his legs along with his arms in the position pictured in the picture below. Crazy, I know, but somehow not surprising coming from my son who has taken his time meeting all of his milestones!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
My Baby is Gone
Last week, I had told Camden's teachers that if he tolerated some foods this weekend, then we would let him loose on eating the food they offer. Yesterday, Shane and I had to ride separately to school, so he took Camden to daycare. When Shane dropped him off, they asked him if he was going to eat their lunch now. Shane and I had not discussed it, so he had no idea. They informed him that they were having ham and cheese sandwiches if we decided to let him eat it. When Shane got to school and told me, I emailed them and told them to let Camden at it. When I went to pick him, I was informed that he ate a ham and cheese sandwich, which consisted of two pieces of bread, ham and cheese. When I asked how much he ate, I was surprised when she informed me that he ate 1/2 sandwich! They sent home a menu with us that lists what they have for breakfast, lunch and snacks and I reviewed it and circled on the menu what I thought he could have. I decided that they could start feeding him breakfast also, which was a big step for us.
Today, our routine changed. Camden got to get up a bit later, and instead of his full breakfast, he just got his formula with a little banana , which he really likes. At school, he ended up having a kolache for breakfast, grilled cheese for lunch (which they said he loved), goldfish and some fruit.
So, to say the least, my baby is gone. He is now a big boy eating big boy food and loving every second of it!! I am grateful that he has transitioned so well, however a part of me is sad that my baby is gone. I will look at the positives though and will pray that this helps us put on more weight. Now, the next step is introducing milk. Stay tuned for that transition!
Today, our routine changed. Camden got to get up a bit later, and instead of his full breakfast, he just got his formula with a little banana , which he really likes. At school, he ended up having a kolache for breakfast, grilled cheese for lunch (which they said he loved), goldfish and some fruit.
So, to say the least, my baby is gone. He is now a big boy eating big boy food and loving every second of it!! I am grateful that he has transitioned so well, however a part of me is sad that my baby is gone. I will look at the positives though and will pray that this helps us put on more weight. Now, the next step is introducing milk. Stay tuned for that transition!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Weekend Fun
This weekend, Camden and I took our first ever rode trip alone to Kerrville. Shane is about to start teaching baseball private lessons, so he had to tend to that on Saturday and then had to referee soccer games today, so he was unable to go with us. Even though he was apprehensive due to worrying about our safety driving, he decided we could go to Kerrville without him. It is always great to see mom and dad, but we had an extra bonus this weekend. My Uncle Jim and Aunt Donna were visiting as well as Uncle Jim and Aunt Sue. I have not seen any of them in years, and was anxious to be able to visit them and also for Camden to be able to meet them.
We celebrated Grandma Key's 93rd birthday, which was actually on Christmas Day. None of us were there to celebrate, so we took this opportunity to celebrate. We had lunch at the assisted living facility where she lives which was nice.

Later that day, Aunt Sue brought her dog, Jack to visit. Camden absolutely LOVED Jack because Jack would actually let him pet him and love on him. It was very sweet.
Camden had a great time visiting with family and eating new foods. He had biscuits, pizza and the true test for milk and egg sensitivities - banana custard. Let me just say, he did wonderful!!!
We celebrated Grandma Key's 93rd birthday, which was actually on Christmas Day. None of us were there to celebrate, so we took this opportunity to celebrate. We had lunch at the assisted living facility where she lives which was nice.

Later that day, Aunt Sue brought her dog, Jack to visit. Camden absolutely LOVED Jack because Jack would actually let him pet him and love on him. It was very sweet.
Camden had a great time visiting with family and eating new foods. He had biscuits, pizza and the true test for milk and egg sensitivities - banana custard. Let me just say, he did wonderful!!!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Hot Diggity Dog
Today when we dropped off Camden at daycare, I mentioned to his teachers that next week I may let them loose with feeding him their food. I think they were a bit surprised because they had not realized that he has been feeding himself at home. Up until this point, I have refrained from their food due to a large portion of them containing dairy or egg. But, this past weekend I fed him some food that contained heavy creme and eggs and he did just perfect. I plan on trying him this weekend with some yogurt and some type of food containing cheese, and if all goes well, then we should be good to go with all foods.
Well, when we arrived this afternoon to pick Camden up from school, I noticed on his take home sheet that informs us about his day, that he had hot dogs for lunch!! YEA!!!! His teacher told me that they were all on stand by ready to do the Heimlich but that he did perfect and ate about 1/3 of a whole hot dog. (And yes, for those of you concerned, they cut the hot dog into very small pieces.) I am such a proud mommy!

Well, when we arrived this afternoon to pick Camden up from school, I noticed on his take home sheet that informs us about his day, that he had hot dogs for lunch!! YEA!!!! His teacher told me that they were all on stand by ready to do the Heimlich but that he did perfect and ate about 1/3 of a whole hot dog. (And yes, for those of you concerned, they cut the hot dog into very small pieces.) I am such a proud mommy!

Monday, January 17, 2011
The Wave
Camden has been waving for quiet sometime, but how he waves now is different. It used to be that he waved by cupping his hand, and aiming it at himself. But, for the past several weeks he has been waving open handed, twisting his wrist from right to left.

He LOVES to wave. He waves at me in the morning after he finally opens his little eyes and they adjust to the light. As I am feeding him in the kitchen in the morning, he will wait for Melissa or Shawn to walk in and when they look at him he will just smile and wave. He does the same when Mason and Braden walk in. He waves at his teachers when we arrive at school and waves to some of his friends. On the weekends, when it is his nap time, I will ask him if he is ready to take his nap, and if he is, he starts waving. At night when it is bedtime, I will ask him if he is ready for bed, and he will give me a double wave, waving both hands. He then has to wave goodnight to his daddy, and anyone else that is around that he can wave goodnight to.
I just love the precious and funny child that he is transforming into. I find myself loving him more and more each day!

He LOVES to wave. He waves at me in the morning after he finally opens his little eyes and they adjust to the light. As I am feeding him in the kitchen in the morning, he will wait for Melissa or Shawn to walk in and when they look at him he will just smile and wave. He does the same when Mason and Braden walk in. He waves at his teachers when we arrive at school and waves to some of his friends. On the weekends, when it is his nap time, I will ask him if he is ready to take his nap, and if he is, he starts waving. At night when it is bedtime, I will ask him if he is ready for bed, and he will give me a double wave, waving both hands. He then has to wave goodnight to his daddy, and anyone else that is around that he can wave goodnight to.
I just love the precious and funny child that he is transforming into. I find myself loving him more and more each day!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Camden is just too darn funny. He is too lazy to crawl, but boy can he reach. He must have a five foot arm span! I don't know why he just won't crawl, because when he reaches all he has to do is move one of his legs, and he would be in the crawling position! We, as well as the daycare workers, have worked daily with him, but he just won't do it. He is so stubborn, he must be his father's child. Hee Hee, O.K., well I guess he must be my child too!!! He has a double dose of the stubborn gene, so we have a long road ahead of us!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Another Good Report
Today was Camden's scheduled GI doctor's appointment. When he went for his 9 month appointment with Dr. Taylor, his pediatrician, she suggested we follow up with a gastroenterologist due to his history of reflux, constipation and slow weight gain. She scheduled an appointment with a doctor at Texas Children's Health Center in the Woodlands by the name of Dr. Vartabedian. She felt like I would like him and she was definitely right! He was very nice and informative. We sat and talked about Camden's history and after many questions and answers, he examined Camden. He then turned to the dry erase board on the wall and started writing points to sum up our conversation. Basically, he suggested we change the Omeprazole Camden is currently on for his reflux. He said that when this particular medication is compounded (which is how we have been receiving it) it loses some of its efficacy. He felt like we should go to Prevacid, which is a capsule that we can just sprinkle in his food or some applesauce. He felt like the reflux should improve between 12 and 18 months. He thought that we could have gone ahead and tried Camden without his reflux medication now, but I informed him that with Camden's recent illness and with being on Prednisone and Omnicef, his reflux had flared back up. He agreed we should stay on it for several months longer then. Second, he felt we should continue the Miralax for the constipation at least until he is potty trained, so as to avoid an aversion to using the bathroom due to pain from constipation. Lastly, he thought it would be fine to try cow's milk at one year of age, and if Camden did not seem to tolerate that well, then to either go with the toddler formula that is soy based, or use Silk soy milk. Personally, since I would like to get away from the cost of formula, we will go the milk route. He did not see a need to follow up with Camden, unless we were still having problems at 18 months.
Fortunately, Camden was very cooperative and pleasant while at the appointment. It was nap time when we left, so he fell asleep and rested peacefully on the way home.

Fortunately, Camden was very cooperative and pleasant while at the appointment. It was nap time when we left, so he fell asleep and rested peacefully on the way home.

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Such A Big Boy
It seems like Camden has become such a big boy overnight. This week he has seemed to really 'move up' in the world, as I like to tell him. It started with how great he was with each of his breathing treatments he received. We thought after how he was in the doctor's office that we were going to fight him each time he had to have a treatment. But, as you can see from the picture, for the ten minute treatment he would just sit there so patiently and quietly and wait for it to be done. He wouldn't even move his head, but instead would just follow you with his eyes.

The Prednisone he was on had him wired. He would hardly nap, and as a matter of fact, yesterday he didn't even have a nap, and yet was still pleasant. Luckily, his cough and congestion are much better.

He finally actually started feeding himself. He has been putting food in his own mouth, but with much coaxing and help from us. After I had worked and worked with him for quiet sometime, Shane showed him how to do it once, and lo and behold, he did it all on his own. I tell you what, he sure knows how to play his momma!

The Prednisone he was on had him wired. He would hardly nap, and as a matter of fact, yesterday he didn't even have a nap, and yet was still pleasant. Luckily, his cough and congestion are much better.

He finally actually started feeding himself. He has been putting food in his own mouth, but with much coaxing and help from us. After I had worked and worked with him for quiet sometime, Shane showed him how to do it once, and lo and behold, he did it all on his own. I tell you what, he sure knows how to play his momma!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Still Sick
Camden's sinus infection has definitely improved since his doctor's visit last week. However, the cough/chest congestion he had has only worsened. Since Friday, when he drinks his bottle, he can hardly drink for coughing. His lungs have sounded very junky and wet for several days, but he had not had any wheezing, until today. Last night I had pretty much decided that if he was no better today, I was calling the doctor. Well, he was no better so I called the doctor's office and they requested that we bring him in. We saw a different doctor in the group, Dr. Worrall, since Dr. Taylor was not in. He listened to Camden and said that he was definitely wheezing and went ahead and gave him a breathing treatment in the office. He also looked in his ears and said that they looked fine. After the breathing treatment, Camden was still wheezing so he decided to put him on five days of Prednisone and Albuterol breathing treatments. He felt like Camden's problem was viral since he has been on antibiotics for the sinusitis. Camden is not very fond of the breathing treatments, but they definitely are making him feel better!
Today is the last day of winter break, so we all head back to school tomorrow. Hopefully Camden has gotten all of his sickness out of the way so he can enjoy his teachers and friends.

Today is the last day of winter break, so we all head back to school tomorrow. Hopefully Camden has gotten all of his sickness out of the way so he can enjoy his teachers and friends.

Saturday, January 1, 2011
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