Saturday, February 16, 2019

More Birthday Fun

Since soccer started back up, today was the first chance we had to celebrate Camden's birthday with his friend, Cole. We picked up Cole and headed to Altitude trampoline park where the boys jumped for 2 hours. How they have that much energy and ability to jump that long absolutely amazes me. They had a great time jumping and running around.

Camden and Cole

Let the games begin.

Casen and Cole at it.

We left there and headed to eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant. I love that out of all the places he could choose, Camden chose the place we go the most. Just like his daddy - doesn't venture out too much!

Cole gave Camden some awesome gifts and of course when we got home, we had to try out one of the science experiments with bubbles.

Opening his gift in the car because
Cole couldn't wait to see him open it. 

Bouncing Bubbles

Casen catching the bubble.

I think he had a great time celebrating out his birthday festivities over a few weeks. He got to do all his favorite things with his favorite people!!!

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