We arrived at daycare at 7:00 am and of course he smiled for the ladies in his room. He is in the 7 month to 13 month room which makes him one of the youngest in his room as well as being the smallest. He is the only one who does not sit on his own or eat finger foods. (We have been working on eating puffs, which he has pretty much mastered eating and swallowing them, but just has a problem grabbing them with his hands. He can't seem to get that thumb working!) So, to say the least, I am concerned that he is behind!! Well, after signing him in and getting everything squared away I looked at all the other children and noticed they all had shoes on. I showed up with a barefoot child because we only wear socks at bedtime. When I made a comment about shoes, I was informed that they are required. Seriously? Well, yet another thing to keep up with! Anyway, I gave him lots of hugs and kisses, took a picture and left. They informed me I could call anytime during the day and they would let me know how he was doing.
Around 10:30 am, I called to check on Camden and the assistant director of the Early Learning Center answered the phone. She went to check on Camden and when she came back to the phone she was giggling and said that Camden was just sitting in there smiling. When she asked one of his teachers how he was doing, she said, "Look at him. I think that pretty much says it all. He is happy." I didn't doubt that at all. He has such a great personality and I am so grateful that he is able to show that off. I pray that he stays that way! Shane went to pick him up around 12:45 pm and they had just gotten him to sleep, so he left (which ended up being a good thing because I still had his carrier in my car!). When Shane went back to get him 45 minutes later he was sitting in one of his teacher's laps and when Shane picked him up he just started chatting with him. Shane said he looked very tired, and he ended up sleeping once he got home. Since he is so nosey, he has a hard time taking a nap, so this will definitely be an adjustment.
I will have to say, it was an emotionally difficult, but successful day. Camden makes things so easy and we are so very fortunate for that. Now we will have have to learn how to settle into our new routine, which I don't think will take too long!
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