Camden is six months old today!! So hard to even believe. I honestly don't know where the past six months have gone, but I have enjoyed them so much since Camden's arrival! I have learned so much during this time and can't wait to learn more! Since it has been awhile since I have updated his progression of things, I will take this milestone marker in his life to do so.
- He now eats prunes, apples, pears, bananas, peaches, squash, and green beans - with pears and apples being his favorites.
- He loves solid foods more than his formula.
- He just started drinking water on Saturday and seems to like it (so he must be his father's son).
- He is able to sit on his own for about 5 seconds.

- He is NOT big enough for his Johnny Jumper yet.
- He loves the pool! Today was his first venture in the pool and took a 30 minute nap while in it.

- He still sleeps for about 12 hours a night (7:00 pm to 7:00 am) and has not woken up once in the middle of the night since he started sleeping through the night (knock on wood that this continues).
- He tried a sippy cup Monday and has taken a few drinks out of it over the past few days.
- He started holding his own bottle on Sunday, but still has to figure out that in order to get any milk out, he has to hold the bottle up.
- He has a great sense of humor and is ticklish pretty much anywhere.
- He loves 'The Wheels on the Bus' and his favorite verse is when the wipers 'go swish, swish, swish'.
- He is wearing Size 3 Diapers and 6 month clothes.
- He has no teeth as of yet, and it doesn't feel like there are any there for the time being.
- He loves his feet and can't wait to get them in his mouth after we take off his pajamas.
- He still sleeps in a sleep sac.
- He recognizes himself in the mirror and will talk to himself.

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