Well, I am so thrilled that I had not paid the deposit, because today I received a phone call from the Early Learning Center that they have an opening, and Camden could start daycare on Monday!!! Woo Hoo!!! That was the best news I had heard in awhile! We will be saving a considerable amount of money every month, but better yet, he will have great caretakers and will learn so much. They already feel like he is family since they know Mason and Braden so well, and one of his teachers actually taught my nephews. This was an answer to many of our prayers! It still amazes me how God has it all planned out - He is soooo faithful!

Now the sadness sets in. I can't believe that he will now go to daycare. I know that he will learn so much from the teachers and other children and will enjoy being around other people, but not knowing exactly everything he does or receiving pictures or videos through out the day is going to be a change. I do have the fact that I have a great work schedule and will be off so much more than I ever would have with my other job so I will get to spend more time with him. I will be home earlier and of course will have two weeks at Christmas, a week for Spring Break and of course the summers. I will do my best to focus on the positives so that Monday is not so miserable!
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