Today I became the wife of a University of Alabama graduate. Now let me not confuse you, I am still married to the same man, he just became a graduate of the University. Can I tell you, I could not be any prouder of my husband. The past three years have really flown by. He has made AWESOME grades, has been a great support to his peers, and has become a teacher that children look up to. His student teaching was this semester and the first half was spent teaching health and physical education to high school students. The second half was teaching physical education to Kindergarten through 5
th graders. Now, elementary is really not his cup of tea and he was not keen on having to teach that age, but at the end of his student teaching little kids came up to hug him good bye. What does that tell you? I was uncertain how much time we would be able to spend together as newlyweds when we moved here, but Shane was always so good to do all of his studying before I got home from work so that we could go to the gym together and then spend our evenings together either watching television, going to the baseball fields during baseball season, or doing whatever was in store for us. I have enjoyed our time here in Alabama, although the first year or so was an adjustment for me. It is hard to believe that now it is time for us to head back to Texas - although I am so excited to see what God has in store for us.

We were fortunate to have a lot of Shane's family here today celebrating his graduation with us. His parents, Connor, Granny and Granddad Hood all came in yesterday. Today his family from Birmingham including Ronald and Manya, Harold, Ira and Maw Maw all came to the house prior to the ceremony to visit and then back to the house for barbecue afterwards.

Shane and his proud parents

Harold, Ira, Connor, Me, Camden, Shane, Manya and Ronald
Camden went to the graduation ceremony also to see his daddy graduate. The ceremony was about two or more hours long, but he did wonderful. He slept off and on, but was awake to see his daddy receive his diploma. I really debated if I was going to take him knowing that he will not remember this day, but I thought that in the future it would be an awesome thing for him to know that he was at his daddy's graduation. I also want today to be a lesson to him that it is never too late to fulfill your dreams. He has a great role model in his daddy!!!

Camden and the new graduate
So proud of Shane, I love the picture of Shane and Camden, it is great. Camden looks so proud of his daddy.