I know I say this every week, but where the heck has the time gone? Today Camden turned 16 weeks old and I just can not even believe it. Everyone says that the time flies by and to enjoy every minute of it, and I understand that more and more every day. Shane is still doing such a great job tending to him during the day and is steadily working on getting Camden on a better napping schedule. He really is not a napper, which I have not really pressed the issue up to this point because I am just so grateful that he sleeps eleven to twelve hours a night, but of course I am not that one that has to deal with his crankiness during the day when he does not nap. The past two days Shane has got him to take a two hour nap in his bed during the day, which is huge for him. Since his birth, there was one week where he would take a two hour nap, and then since that time he will only take little cat naps through out the day that last about 30 minutes. Hopefully, their schedule will carry on and become more of the norm!

Camden flying - he holds his legs straight out.

Wearing pajamas his daddy bought him.

Taking one of his cat naps.

Laying like his daddy does with his hands behind his head.

Asleep on his left side, and turned sideways in his bed
Today I received a call from Horne Elementary in the Cy-Fair school district and was offered the job of school nurse. I am really excited about this job and am really looking forward to this change. I had been praying if this was the job God felt was best for me as well as my family and fit in with His plan for us, then to help me know that. I felt really at ease during the interview and felt at home at the school. Everyone was so friendly and they all seemed to really enjoy themselves and their job. After all the good feelings I had and then the job offer, I think He pretty much made it obvious for me - thank goodness because so many times I ignore His signs!
Registration at that school begins the week of August 10
th and the nurse needs to be there to check immunization records. So, it looks like we will definitely be in Texas by then! I can hardly believe our time here is coming to an end. Now if we could just sell our home and find Shane a job, it will make our move much easier.
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