At our church, like most, they acknowledge mothers on Mother's Day. The past few years, I have had a hard time on this day because I had been so looking forward to being a mother and seeing all the happy mothers standing up in front of the church with their children just made me a little sad. So this year, it was quiet a different feeling for me when I got to stand in front of the church with Camden and all the other mothers with their children. I was very proud that I was finally a mother! So to bring me out of my blissfulness - Camden decided to fill his diaper during the message. Not expecting anything too exciting, I just grabbed his compact changing pad with diapers and wipes and headed to the cry room to get him changed. Much to my surprise, he had exploded and it was all coming out of the back of his diaper and up his back. So there I was without the diaper bag and no change of clothes. So I got him all cleaned up, put back on his jeans and bib without any type of shirt or onesie. He looked like he was trying to be sexy - it was quiet humorous. By the time we got back into church, it was pretty much over, so I was able to get his outfit out of the diaper bag and change him.
Once we got home, we all ate leftover barbecue and then headed to Shane's grandfather's house so his parents could visit with he and his wife. They live in Margaret, Alabama which is about an hour and a half away. We stayed there a bit and then headed home. We stopped at a fish camp to eat supper and have our celebratory Mother's Day meal. While everyone enjoyed seafood, I enjoyed a hamburger patty with a few slices of bacon and a few french fries. I must be honest and say that I really am not sure how much longer I am going to be able to avoid dairy and eggs. It is definitely harder to avoid those items when I am not in my own environment all day.
When we got home it was late, so we fed Camden, and then got him changed for bed. He absolutely LOVES to be on his changing table and even though he was tired, he talked and talked to Shane's mother, grandmother and me. He laughed several times when I kissed him on his neck. It was so sweet and absolutely made my day. I couldn't have asked for anything more than seeing his sweet smile and hearing him laugh. I absolutely LOVE being a mother to him!!!

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