We also mentioned to Dr. McGiffert that after lying down for awhile, Camden spits up clear liquid. He very seldom spits up milk, it is normally clear. She said it could be his reflux and went ahead and increased his Zantac. So of course it was time for his 4 month old shots, of which he was to receive one orally and the other four by injection. Well, bless his heart, he ended up getting stuck five times. When the nurse gave him the first injection, she accidentally pulled the needle out when she pulled back on the plunger. So she ended up having to stick him five times. I felt horrible for Camden, but also felt horrible for the nurse. She was so apologetic and you could tell felt bad. Being a nurse, I could sympathize with her. But as with his 2 month old shots, he did great. He cried for fifteen to 20 seconds and then was a happy little camper! We are so very fortunate that he has not had any problems with his immunizations up to this point!!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
4 Month Check Up
Today Shane and I took Camden in for his 4 month check up. I have been anxiously awaiting this day to see how much he weighed, since we seem to get weights at home that range from 9 to 11 pounds - which I know good and well he is not 9 pounds! So he weighed in at 11 pounds and 11 ounces and was 24 1/4 inches long. He is in the 5th or so percentile for his weight and between 25th and 50th percentile for his height. I must say I was disappointed with his weight since I know it should be a bit more. However, I think he looks fine - he doesn't looked malnourished at all, he just isn't a Gerber baby! So after talking with Dr. McGiffert about this, she recommended that we increase his calories with the formula he is eating. So she gave us a formula of how to mix his milk when he eats formula so that he gets 22 calories per ounce instead of 20 calories per ounce and wants to see us in a month for a weight check. So for now, three out of his five bottles a day will be formula, while the other two will be breast milk.
We also mentioned to Dr. McGiffert that after lying down for awhile, Camden spits up clear liquid. He very seldom spits up milk, it is normally clear. She said it could be his reflux and went ahead and increased his Zantac. So of course it was time for his 4 month old shots, of which he was to receive one orally and the other four by injection. Well, bless his heart, he ended up getting stuck five times. When the nurse gave him the first injection, she accidentally pulled the needle out when she pulled back on the plunger. So she ended up having to stick him five times. I felt horrible for Camden, but also felt horrible for the nurse. She was so apologetic and you could tell felt bad. Being a nurse, I could sympathize with her. But as with his 2 month old shots, he did great. He cried for fifteen to 20 seconds and then was a happy little camper! We are so very fortunate that he has not had any problems with his immunizations up to this point!!!
We also mentioned to Dr. McGiffert that after lying down for awhile, Camden spits up clear liquid. He very seldom spits up milk, it is normally clear. She said it could be his reflux and went ahead and increased his Zantac. So of course it was time for his 4 month old shots, of which he was to receive one orally and the other four by injection. Well, bless his heart, he ended up getting stuck five times. When the nurse gave him the first injection, she accidentally pulled the needle out when she pulled back on the plunger. So she ended up having to stick him five times. I felt horrible for Camden, but also felt horrible for the nurse. She was so apologetic and you could tell felt bad. Being a nurse, I could sympathize with her. But as with his 2 month old shots, he did great. He cried for fifteen to 20 seconds and then was a happy little camper! We are so very fortunate that he has not had any problems with his immunizations up to this point!!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
A New Job
I know I say this every week, but where the heck has the time gone? Today Camden turned 16 weeks old and I just can not even believe it. Everyone says that the time flies by and to enjoy every minute of it, and I understand that more and more every day. Shane is still doing such a great job tending to him during the day and is steadily working on getting Camden on a better napping schedule. He really is not a napper, which I have not really pressed the issue up to this point because I am just so grateful that he sleeps eleven to twelve hours a night, but of course I am not that one that has to deal with his crankiness during the day when he does not nap. The past two days Shane has got him to take a two hour nap in his bed during the day, which is huge for him. Since his birth, there was one week where he would take a two hour nap, and then since that time he will only take little cat naps through out the day that last about 30 minutes. Hopefully, their schedule will carry on and become more of the norm!
Today I received a call from Horne Elementary in the Cy-Fair school district and was offered the job of school nurse. I am really excited about this job and am really looking forward to this change. I had been praying if this was the job God felt was best for me as well as my family and fit in with His plan for us, then to help me know that. I felt really at ease during the interview and felt at home at the school. Everyone was so friendly and they all seemed to really enjoy themselves and their job. After all the good feelings I had and then the job offer, I think He pretty much made it obvious for me - thank goodness because so many times I ignore His signs!
Registration at that school begins the week of August 10th and the nurse needs to be there to check immunization records. So, it looks like we will definitely be in Texas by then! I can hardly believe our time here is coming to an end. Now if we could just sell our home and find Shane a job, it will make our move much easier.
Today I received a call from Horne Elementary in the Cy-Fair school district and was offered the job of school nurse. I am really excited about this job and am really looking forward to this change. I had been praying if this was the job God felt was best for me as well as my family and fit in with His plan for us, then to help me know that. I felt really at ease during the interview and felt at home at the school. Everyone was so friendly and they all seemed to really enjoy themselves and their job. After all the good feelings I had and then the job offer, I think He pretty much made it obvious for me - thank goodness because so many times I ignore His signs!
Registration at that school begins the week of August 10th and the nurse needs to be there to check immunization records. So, it looks like we will definitely be in Texas by then! I can hardly believe our time here is coming to an end. Now if we could just sell our home and find Shane a job, it will make our move much easier.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Soy Successful
The past several weeks I have been trying to figure out how I can quit breastfeeding and afford for us all to still eat. O.K. maybe I could quit breastfeeding and us all still eat, but I still like the fact that breast milk is not only free, it is the best thing for Camden. Since we have been trying to put weight on Camden, he has been eating 1/2 breast milk and 1/2 formula. Due to his milk allergy, he has been receiving Nutramigen, which is expensive to say the least. Currently, I have about a months worth of breast milk saved up in the freezer. I calculated how much it would cost to feed him the Nutramigen once he goes to it full time and it is about $200/month. That is ridiculous if you ask me, but I would gladly pay that for my child if that is what he would need.
As a last ditch effort, I decided that we would try soy formula this weekend to see how Camden did on it. I have been very leery up until this point to try it since he has been doing fine on the Nutramigen and also since I had heard that a lot of infants that have a milk allergy, also have a soy allergy. Shane apparently had a milk allergy as an infant and was on soy, so I figured what the heck, maybe 'like father like son'? Well I am so happy to say that he has done WONDERFUL on the soy formula!!! And what is even better is that it is about nine dollars cheaper a canister!!!
I honestly do not mind breast feeding or pumping, even though pumping and then feeding Camden is a bit time consuming. My problem is that I have not been able to eat any dairy products or eggs and I am absolutely craving all of my favorite things - chocolate, pizza, ice cream, the list goes on. It is incredibly hard to feed my husband since we are limited on what I can eat. I have made my own cream of chicken soup to make chicken and rice, but with an infant and working full time, I really do not have the time to take extensive measures for us to eat. Also, I am unable to make casseroles ahead of time, so by the time I get home from work, spend an hour or so with Camden and then put him to bed, it is 7:30 or 8:00 pm and the last thing I want to do is spend 30 minutes to an hour in the kitchen cooking us supper. To say the least, I am tired. So as much as I hate to admit it, I guess I am giving up - I usually do not give in because I am so stubborn, but this time I am raising the white flag. I am working now to wean myself from breast feeding, and I must say a part of me is sad about it - mainly because my son is not going to get the benefits he has been receiving and also because like I said before, I am giving in.
As a last ditch effort, I decided that we would try soy formula this weekend to see how Camden did on it. I have been very leery up until this point to try it since he has been doing fine on the Nutramigen and also since I had heard that a lot of infants that have a milk allergy, also have a soy allergy. Shane apparently had a milk allergy as an infant and was on soy, so I figured what the heck, maybe 'like father like son'? Well I am so happy to say that he has done WONDERFUL on the soy formula!!! And what is even better is that it is about nine dollars cheaper a canister!!!
I honestly do not mind breast feeding or pumping, even though pumping and then feeding Camden is a bit time consuming. My problem is that I have not been able to eat any dairy products or eggs and I am absolutely craving all of my favorite things - chocolate, pizza, ice cream, the list goes on. It is incredibly hard to feed my husband since we are limited on what I can eat. I have made my own cream of chicken soup to make chicken and rice, but with an infant and working full time, I really do not have the time to take extensive measures for us to eat. Also, I am unable to make casseroles ahead of time, so by the time I get home from work, spend an hour or so with Camden and then put him to bed, it is 7:30 or 8:00 pm and the last thing I want to do is spend 30 minutes to an hour in the kitchen cooking us supper. To say the least, I am tired. So as much as I hate to admit it, I guess I am giving up - I usually do not give in because I am so stubborn, but this time I am raising the white flag. I am working now to wean myself from breast feeding, and I must say a part of me is sad about it - mainly because my son is not going to get the benefits he has been receiving and also because like I said before, I am giving in.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Interviews and 15 Weeks
Yesterday I had to leave my wonderful husband and child to head to work. Nothing unusual about that, except the fact that I would not return until tonight. I left after work and headed in a horrible storm to Birmingham to fly to Houston. I was scheduled to leave at 7:35 pm, but due to the horrible storms, we were delayed. While sitting in the airport, the lights went out several times and the emergency lights kicked in. Finally, after the worst of the storm had passed, the plane we were to take landed. We were all thrilled, but after about 30 minutes, we were informed that the plane was broke. They had two plans, the first was to wait for the plane mechanic who was an hour away to fix the plane, and the second plan was to wait for another plane, which was to spend the night in Birmingham, to arrive for us to take. Luckily, they went with the second plan and after a 30 minute wait, a plane from Phoenix arrived for us to take. We arrived in Houston an hour and half later than expected, but at least we were there.
This morning I was awoken by my two wonderful nephews who just wanted to say 'Hi' before heading off to school since I would be gone by the time they got home from school. Even though I had just seen them last weekend, I was thrilled to see them for just a few minutes. I had two interviews scheduled, the first being at 11:00 am and the other at 1:00 pm. I must say I like both of the principals I interviewed with, but felt a better connection at the second school, Horne Elementary. Everyone was so friendly and inviting and I was able to talk with the nurse who is currently at the school. Both of the principals informed me they would contact me by mid week next week. So, hopefully within a week or so I will know if I will be employed by the Cy-Fair school district.
Luckily, my trip home was uneventful. Unfortunately, I did not get home until 8:35 pm and of course Camden was already in bed, but I went in and checked on him! I just love that child so very much!!
While I was gone, Camden learned a new 'trick', (as Shane likes to call it) just in time to celebrate his 15 week birthday. He now rolls over to his left side. He likes to lay on his play mat and look in the mirror. Shane said that if he would get his arm right, he would roll right over onto his belly. I can't believe how fast he is growing and doing new things!!!
This morning I was awoken by my two wonderful nephews who just wanted to say 'Hi' before heading off to school since I would be gone by the time they got home from school. Even though I had just seen them last weekend, I was thrilled to see them for just a few minutes. I had two interviews scheduled, the first being at 11:00 am and the other at 1:00 pm. I must say I like both of the principals I interviewed with, but felt a better connection at the second school, Horne Elementary. Everyone was so friendly and inviting and I was able to talk with the nurse who is currently at the school. Both of the principals informed me they would contact me by mid week next week. So, hopefully within a week or so I will know if I will be employed by the Cy-Fair school district.
Luckily, my trip home was uneventful. Unfortunately, I did not get home until 8:35 pm and of course Camden was already in bed, but I went in and checked on him! I just love that child so very much!!
While I was gone, Camden learned a new 'trick', (as Shane likes to call it) just in time to celebrate his 15 week birthday. He now rolls over to his left side. He likes to lay on his play mat and look in the mirror. Shane said that if he would get his arm right, he would roll right over onto his belly. I can't believe how fast he is growing and doing new things!!!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Conception Day
I must say, I debated whether or not I was going to mention this today, but I really find this day a miracle. Many people have no idea what day their child was conceived, but we know for certain that May 19th was the day Camden was conceived. It is really an easy day for me to remember because it is also my parent's anniversary - so that makes it extra special!!!
It amazes me that a year ago today, two people in love came together to produce my sweet angel. Camden was nothing until that day and since then so much growth and change has taken place for him to become what he is today. God had picked that day out long before we had ever decided to start trying to have a baby and He blessed us by allowing us to get pregnant the first time we tried! It amazes me of all the changes that took place both with Camden's body as well as my own through those 39 weeks. Even though I am a nurse and am very aware of human growth and development, I am still amazed at how God created us - how each of our body parts start developing at just the right time and how a woman's body knows when the child inside of her is ready for the outside world. I celebrate the anniversary of 'Conception Day' with such joy, gladness and amazement. God is so very good!!
It amazes me that a year ago today, two people in love came together to produce my sweet angel. Camden was nothing until that day and since then so much growth and change has taken place for him to become what he is today. God had picked that day out long before we had ever decided to start trying to have a baby and He blessed us by allowing us to get pregnant the first time we tried! It amazes me of all the changes that took place both with Camden's body as well as my own through those 39 weeks. Even though I am a nurse and am very aware of human growth and development, I am still amazed at how God created us - how each of our body parts start developing at just the right time and how a woman's body knows when the child inside of her is ready for the outside world. I celebrate the anniversary of 'Conception Day' with such joy, gladness and amazement. God is so very good!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
First Trip to Texas
Shane and I both have been applying to several jobs in the Tomball, Texas area in preparation for our move. We have been applying at several different school districts, me for a school nurse position and Shane for coaching positions or other physical education positions that he is qualified for. He has every intent to get certified in other subjects, but is unable to do so until August. On Friday, I was scheduled to have an interview with the Director of Health Services for the Cy-Fair school district. So Thursday afternoon, around 4:00 pm, we headed for Texas with child and dogs in tow. Now Camden has been on car trips to Birmingham, but nothing more than that, so a ten hour drive was going to be interesting for all of us. We decided that the dogs would sit in the front of the truck with Shane and I would sit in the back with Camden. Let me just say that he did absolutely wonderful going to Texas. I say it is because he knew he was going to God's country, but I guess the reality of it is that he was able to sleep the majority of the trip. We only stopped twice on our way to Tomball, and Camden never cried and was asleep by 9:15 pm for the night. We arrived at my sisters around 1:30 am, unpacked all our things, talked to my Mom for a bit and then went to bed.
On Friday, we got up and Shane got dressed and headed to Cypress Christian school to tour the school. He has been in contact with that school and since it is a private school, they do not require their teachers to be certified. They invited him to come and tour the school, which he saw as a great opportunity to meet some of the faculty. He did indeed meet the secondary principal who took him on the tour, and Shane turned on his charm. Hopefully, he will be called in the near future for an interview. My interview was scheduled for 2:00 pm on Friday and let me just say I loved Mrs. Jones, my interviewer. She and I got along really well and she told me that she had two school nurse positions open at two different elementary schools. She said she would love for me to be a part of their team, and my job now was to convince the principals of those schools to hire me. I was instructed to call the two different schools on Monday or Tuesday and schedule an interview with each of the principals. Mrs. Jones said that in the meantime she would email both of the principals and inform them about me. YEA!!
Aside from the interview, I was excited about getting to Tomball so that my nephews could meet Camden. They have been asking their mother for quiet sometime when they were going to get to meet him and the time finally arrived. Mason was so good to hold him and feed him, and Braden did a great job holding him too. I can't wait for us all to be closer so that Camden can enjoy his cousins.
On Friday, we got up and Shane got dressed and headed to Cypress Christian school to tour the school. He has been in contact with that school and since it is a private school, they do not require their teachers to be certified. They invited him to come and tour the school, which he saw as a great opportunity to meet some of the faculty. He did indeed meet the secondary principal who took him on the tour, and Shane turned on his charm. Hopefully, he will be called in the near future for an interview. My interview was scheduled for 2:00 pm on Friday and let me just say I loved Mrs. Jones, my interviewer. She and I got along really well and she told me that she had two school nurse positions open at two different elementary schools. She said she would love for me to be a part of their team, and my job now was to convince the principals of those schools to hire me. I was instructed to call the two different schools on Monday or Tuesday and schedule an interview with each of the principals. Mrs. Jones said that in the meantime she would email both of the principals and inform them about me. YEA!!
Aside from the interview, I was excited about getting to Tomball so that my nephews could meet Camden. They have been asking their mother for quiet sometime when they were going to get to meet him and the time finally arrived. Mason was so good to hold him and feed him, and Braden did a great job holding him too. I can't wait for us all to be closer so that Camden can enjoy his cousins.
Braden holding Camden for the first time
On Saturday, Shane and I went and found the two schools that I would ultimately be interviewing with. Shawn had a meeting and Mom and Melissa went shopping, so my Dad was left with the boys until Shawn got home. He and Camden did just fine and when we got home we found Camden asleep on his chest. I asked Dad if he wanted me to go and lay Camden down in his bed, and he said that he didn't, concerned that he might wake up. I think Dad was enjoying holding him!! ; )
Saturday evening we went and ate Mexican food. I was actually not looking forward to this since I can not have cheese due to Camden's dairy allergy. But let me just say, I ate and ate and ate and ate. We had some great Mexican food (minus the cheese). When we got back to Melissa's, we celebrated my birthday and had some birthday cake. Now let me just say this cake was very interesting. My mom had called me earlier in the week and asked me what kind of cake I could eat. Since Camden is allergic to eggs, I had to figure out a substitute for eggs in a cake mix. After researching on-line, I informed my mother to add 10 ounces of Coke to a cake mix and cook according to the directions, minus the egg and oil. Now it is a debate, but I thought the cake tasted fine, others didn't think it had any taste. My issue with the cake was the icing. Mom made her normal decorator's icing that she always makes, but she could not find Melissa's vanilla extract. She did, however, find some almond extract and added a bit of it to the icing. Now I was there when she was making the icing and I saw her beat and beat the icing, so it was definitely well mixed. When I took a bite of my cake, all I could taste was almond extract. It was so overpowering that I just scraped off the icing and ate the cake. Dad, Mason and Braden all agreed that it wasn't that great. Mom had no complaints about her icing, but didn't think the cake had any taste. Shane on the other hand ate his whole piece and didn't say a word, until he got a second piece of cake and took a bite and then knew exactly what I was talking about. Apparently, the end of the cake that my piece came from tasted very much like almond extract, while the other end of the cake tasted just fine. How weird is that???? I felt bad for my mom because she did everything possible for me to have cake I could eat. I appreciated all of her efforts!!!
On Sunday, we headed back to Alabama around 9:00 am and we had to stop numerous times due to Camden having a few meltdowns. Ten hours in a car seat was a bit more than he cared for - and who can blame him? All in all, I thought he did great traveling, but next time I think we will try to travel as late in the day as possible so he can sleep the majority of the time. We also decided that if I have an interview and Shane does not, that I will just fly there to make things easier.

Enjoying the ride
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
Today was my first Mother's Day, and to be honest I still can not believe I am a mother. We partially celebrated Mother's Day yesterday when the majority of Shane's mother's family was here for his graduation. Since everyone was together, it was a great time to celebrate.
At our church, like most, they acknowledge mothers on Mother's Day. The past few years, I have had a hard time on this day because I had been so looking forward to being a mother and seeing all the happy mothers standing up in front of the church with their children just made me a little sad. So this year, it was quiet a different feeling for me when I got to stand in front of the church with Camden and all the other mothers with their children. I was very proud that I was finally a mother! So to bring me out of my blissfulness - Camden decided to fill his diaper during the message. Not expecting anything too exciting, I just grabbed his compact changing pad with diapers and wipes and headed to the cry room to get him changed. Much to my surprise, he had exploded and it was all coming out of the back of his diaper and up his back. So there I was without the diaper bag and no change of clothes. So I got him all cleaned up, put back on his jeans and bib without any type of shirt or onesie. He looked like he was trying to be sexy - it was quiet humorous. By the time we got back into church, it was pretty much over, so I was able to get his outfit out of the diaper bag and change him.
Once we got home, we all ate leftover barbecue and then headed to Shane's grandfather's house so his parents could visit with he and his wife. They live in Margaret, Alabama which is about an hour and a half away. We stayed there a bit and then headed home. We stopped at a fish camp to eat supper and have our celebratory Mother's Day meal. While everyone enjoyed seafood, I enjoyed a hamburger patty with a few slices of bacon and a few french fries. I must be honest and say that I really am not sure how much longer I am going to be able to avoid dairy and eggs. It is definitely harder to avoid those items when I am not in my own environment all day.
When we got home it was late, so we fed Camden, and then got him changed for bed. He absolutely LOVES to be on his changing table and even though he was tired, he talked and talked to Shane's mother, grandmother and me. He laughed several times when I kissed him on his neck. It was so sweet and absolutely made my day. I couldn't have asked for anything more than seeing his sweet smile and hearing him laugh. I absolutely LOVE being a mother to him!!!

At our church, like most, they acknowledge mothers on Mother's Day. The past few years, I have had a hard time on this day because I had been so looking forward to being a mother and seeing all the happy mothers standing up in front of the church with their children just made me a little sad. So this year, it was quiet a different feeling for me when I got to stand in front of the church with Camden and all the other mothers with their children. I was very proud that I was finally a mother! So to bring me out of my blissfulness - Camden decided to fill his diaper during the message. Not expecting anything too exciting, I just grabbed his compact changing pad with diapers and wipes and headed to the cry room to get him changed. Much to my surprise, he had exploded and it was all coming out of the back of his diaper and up his back. So there I was without the diaper bag and no change of clothes. So I got him all cleaned up, put back on his jeans and bib without any type of shirt or onesie. He looked like he was trying to be sexy - it was quiet humorous. By the time we got back into church, it was pretty much over, so I was able to get his outfit out of the diaper bag and change him.
Once we got home, we all ate leftover barbecue and then headed to Shane's grandfather's house so his parents could visit with he and his wife. They live in Margaret, Alabama which is about an hour and a half away. We stayed there a bit and then headed home. We stopped at a fish camp to eat supper and have our celebratory Mother's Day meal. While everyone enjoyed seafood, I enjoyed a hamburger patty with a few slices of bacon and a few french fries. I must be honest and say that I really am not sure how much longer I am going to be able to avoid dairy and eggs. It is definitely harder to avoid those items when I am not in my own environment all day.
When we got home it was late, so we fed Camden, and then got him changed for bed. He absolutely LOVES to be on his changing table and even though he was tired, he talked and talked to Shane's mother, grandmother and me. He laughed several times when I kissed him on his neck. It was so sweet and absolutely made my day. I couldn't have asked for anything more than seeing his sweet smile and hearing him laugh. I absolutely LOVE being a mother to him!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010
A Proud Wife
Today I became the wife of a University of Alabama graduate. Now let me not confuse you, I am still married to the same man, he just became a graduate of the University. Can I tell you, I could not be any prouder of my husband. The past three years have really flown by. He has made AWESOME grades, has been a great support to his peers, and has become a teacher that children look up to. His student teaching was this semester and the first half was spent teaching health and physical education to high school students. The second half was teaching physical education to Kindergarten through 5th graders. Now, elementary is really not his cup of tea and he was not keen on having to teach that age, but at the end of his student teaching little kids came up to hug him good bye. What does that tell you? I was uncertain how much time we would be able to spend together as newlyweds when we moved here, but Shane was always so good to do all of his studying before I got home from work so that we could go to the gym together and then spend our evenings together either watching television, going to the baseball fields during baseball season, or doing whatever was in store for us. I have enjoyed our time here in Alabama, although the first year or so was an adjustment for me. It is hard to believe that now it is time for us to head back to Texas - although I am so excited to see what God has in store for us.

We were fortunate to have a lot of Shane's family here today celebrating his graduation with us. His parents, Connor, Granny and Granddad Hood all came in yesterday. Today his family from Birmingham including Ronald and Manya, Harold, Ira and Maw Maw all came to the house prior to the ceremony to visit and then back to the house for barbecue afterwards.
Camden went to the graduation ceremony also to see his daddy graduate. The ceremony was about two or more hours long, but he did wonderful. He slept off and on, but was awake to see his daddy receive his diploma. I really debated if I was going to take him knowing that he will not remember this day, but I thought that in the future it would be an awesome thing for him to know that he was at his daddy's graduation. I also want today to be a lesson to him that it is never too late to fulfill your dreams. He has a great role model in his daddy!!!

We were fortunate to have a lot of Shane's family here today celebrating his graduation with us. His parents, Connor, Granny and Granddad Hood all came in yesterday. Today his family from Birmingham including Ronald and Manya, Harold, Ira and Maw Maw all came to the house prior to the ceremony to visit and then back to the house for barbecue afterwards.
Camden went to the graduation ceremony also to see his daddy graduate. The ceremony was about two or more hours long, but he did wonderful. He slept off and on, but was awake to see his daddy receive his diploma. I really debated if I was going to take him knowing that he will not remember this day, but I thought that in the future it would be an awesome thing for him to know that he was at his daddy's graduation. I also want today to be a lesson to him that it is never too late to fulfill your dreams. He has a great role model in his daddy!!!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Shopping at the Mall
I must share something that I find a bit humorous. Today was Camden's first trip to the mall - and no, it was not with me, it was with his father!!! Who would have thought that it would have been his father that took him to the mall for the first time ever!! While they were there, Shane sent me this picture.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Away from Home
Today Shane had to go to school to take an exit exam for his teacher's certification. Since he has been taking care of Camden, that meant we had to find someone to watch him for a bit. It was quiet the easy choice for us as to who we would ask to watch our sweet angel. So several weeks ago I asked Sarah, my wonderful friend from church who has a baby, Noah Catherine, who is just a few months older than Camden. She gladly accepted the offer - thank goodness - because I honestly did not know who else I could have asked that I would have trusted for him to stay with away from home for the first time. I must say, I did not even fret that he was going to stay with her. I know what a wonderful mother Sarah is to her own child as well as her love for children, so it was easy!!! Luckily Sarah took great pictures of Camden and Noah Catherine together. I am hoping they fell in love with each other so that later on down the road they can be more than friends!!! ; ) I can't help I am already trying to set him up, but when you know that the girl your son will spend a lot of his time with comes from a good family, it makes it a little bit easier! (I am such a planner - I must get over that!!!) According to Sarah, Camden did absolutely wonderful. He and Noah Catherine played and ate and slept. Looking at the pictures, it was obvious that he did not mind hanging out with the girls at all. Thanks Sarah - you and Noah Catherine are the best!!!!
He was so happy playing with the girls.

When I got home from work today, I was talking and playing with Camden and he actually laughed - I mean a good belly laugh. Now he has giggled and laughed really good during his sleep, but this was the first time he actually laughed while awake. Talk about stealing my heart yet again. . . . . .
Monday, May 3, 2010
Back to Work
Well, we all survived my first day back at work. Shane and Camden did awesome and I think I just survived. Luckily, the tears were few and far between for me - I think I shed them all yesterday!! It is amazing all the little things I forgot in the three months I had been gone, but luckily with the help of my co-workers, it all started coming back. Shane was up with me this morning and had to wake Mr. Camden up at 7:00 am so I could spend at least 15 or 20 minutes with him before heading out the door. They did so good and luckily Camden was in a great mood when I got home from work so we got to chat and play a little before I put him to bed. (Usually sometime between 5:00 and 7:00 pm is his fussy time.)
I must share a text I received from a great friend, Elizabeth, this morning. It read, "Praying for you this morning and hope you are doing OK . . . at least you know he is in the care of the only other person in the world who could possibly love him as much as you do." So true, so true. We are definitely blessed!
I must share a text I received from a great friend, Elizabeth, this morning. It read, "Praying for you this morning and hope you are doing OK . . . at least you know he is in the care of the only other person in the world who could possibly love him as much as you do." So true, so true. We are definitely blessed!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sad, Sad
I am so very sad today, and have really been so the whole weekend long. Tomorrow I return to work after being off for 12 weeks. I don't mind work and I enjoy the majority of my co-workers, but to leave my child is just making me so incredibly sad and upset. We are blessed that it will be Shane who will be taking care of Camden for the time being, so fortunately he does not have to go to day care, but I am still upset. All I can think about is the things I will miss - the little things, the new things, the old things. I will be leaving for work at 7:20 am and get off at 5:30 pm but will not be home until about 6:00 pm. When I get home I will need to pump, feed my sweet angel, get him ready for bed, and then get him to sleep between 7:00 and 8:00 pm. My time with him will be limited to one to two hours in the evening and honestly that just doesn't seem to be enough. I understand mothers do this everyday, but that does not make it any easier. And then after he is in bed, I guess I will still need to feed Shane and myself. So, I pray that this is an easy transition. The one positive in this whole situation is that I see this as a great time for Shane and Camden to bond and really learn one another. They will both learn a lot!!
On a happier note, on Friday evening Shane, Camden and I went to Shane's department get-together for school at a local park. One of the graduate students is from Taiwan and she came over to me to introduce herself and to see Camden. She was concerned that we had him out since in Taiwan they don't take their children out of the house for 3 months. She looked at him and asked if we shaved his head? Ha Ha Ha!!! I explained to her that he was born without hair and he had not yet grown any. I am not sure I convinced her because she commented at least two more times that it looks like we shaved his head. I guess in Taiwan they don't come out bald!!
On a happier note, on Friday evening Shane, Camden and I went to Shane's department get-together for school at a local park. One of the graduate students is from Taiwan and she came over to me to introduce herself and to see Camden. She was concerned that we had him out since in Taiwan they don't take their children out of the house for 3 months. She looked at him and asked if we shaved his head? Ha Ha Ha!!! I explained to her that he was born without hair and he had not yet grown any. I am not sure I convinced her because she commented at least two more times that it looks like we shaved his head. I guess in Taiwan they don't come out bald!!
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