Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Here Fishy Fishy

Last weekend, Camden went and stayed the night at his friend, Trennan's house. Throughout the evening I received several photos of Camden fishing. Once he arrived home, buying a new fishing pole was all he could talk about. Finally - someone in this family who loves to fish aside from me!!! So Sunday afternoon, after their mission training, he and I headed to Academy to pick out a new rod and reel. He knew he wanted an open faced reel, so after trying out different models, he opted for a Baitcaster. He understood that there was a learning curve with those, however that is what he had been using when fishing with Trennan, so decided that is what he wanted.

Once we got home I showed him how to spool his reel. Since Academy did not have the best selection of a small tackle box, so we ordered one off of Amazon with an arrival date of Tuesday. Despite him being so eager to get his hook in the water, we have soccer on Monday nights and couldn't go fishing until Tuesday anyway. As soon as I got home Tuesday from work, I cooked dinner, then we headed over to the bond in the neighborhood next to ours.

There was definitely a learning curve with him using his new reel, however after a few casts in, he got a really nice sized bass!  He spent quite a bit of time cleaning up rats nest from his back lash, but with some trial and error, by the end of the evening he was getting the hang of it all. 

After Camden's great catch, we headed to Jeremiah's Italian Ice to get Camden a sweet treat and Nina her first ever pup cup!

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