Since Casen was sick and unable to play in the flag football playoffs, his teammates saved a shirt for him so of course I made him pose for a pic with it on.
Camden's school had a Harvest Moon dance and when I had heard about it weeks ago I asked him if he was going to attend. I received an adamant "NO!" so never brought it up again. The dance was this past Friday and on Wednesday evening I was informed by Camden that he now wanted to go. How exciting, his first dance! So I asked him what he was to wear and I tell you what, he is worse than a girl. :) He whipped out his phone and showed me a group text of his friends that included pics of what they were all wearing, which was dress clothes. If you know my child, you know he does not like pants much less dress shoes, and I basically had a day to get him something to wear. Luckily, his cousin had passed down some dress shirts and pants several year ago and luckily they fit! However, as far as shoes, we had nothing. Since Camden has soccer practice on Thursdays, Casen and I went shopping for him some shoes and a new tie. He is currently in a size 7 which is right between boys and mens so we struggled finding shoes, but eventually did find some black dress shoes as well as a tie.
Friday after school, we dropped Camden off at his friend Brecken's house with his clothes in hand. A group of the guys went and ate at Chic-Fil-A prior to heading to the dance. Luckily his mom and dad snapped some pics for me. Camden said he had fun and wished it would have lasted longer. He apparently did dance a little, however did not dance with any girls.

Shane's parents came into town for the weekend to watch the boys play their sports. While Camden was dancing the night away, we all went and watched Casen play two flag football games, which they won. Casen scored several touch downs and played very well.
Yesterday morning, Shane, the boys and myself participated in Kingdom Saturday and headed to make Houston a little more like Heaven by going with a group from our church to an apartment complex in Houston where refugees from Afghanistan reside. We played with the kids, talked with the adults, painted pumpkins and gave out snacks, clothes and books.
Today, all of us headed to College Station to watch Camden and his team play soccer. It was a windy, but pretty day. His team lost, but we are unfortunately getting used to that. :(
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