The past week or so illness has wreaked havoc on our home. It all started with Mollie, the cat, who started vomiting multiple times a day and then quit eating over the matter of a week or so. She finally threw up a hairball (which she had not done in quite some time) and after giving her hairball medication and treats as well as soft food, she finally seems more back to herself. Who knew that a hairball could cause enough of an obstruction to cause such distress?? I'm not going to lie, I was not sure she was going to make it since she basically quit eating and drinking . . . and as much as I am not a huge fan of hers since she is not nice to Casen, I didn't want Camden to loose his cat. Luckily, crisis averted.
Sunday evening Camden started feeling bad and by Monday morning he woke up in tears (which he hardly ever cries) and said he was miserable. His temperature verified he was definitely sick and thus began the week of the flu plaguing our house. So many of the boys friends had already missed school due to the flu so I guess it was our turn. Camden stayed home from school Monday and Tuesday and was finally able to return Wednesday. By Tuesday evening, Casen started with fever and he stayed home Wednesday and Thursday.
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When Casen calls me bored LOL |
Apparently Nina, the dog, did not want to be left off of the illness train. Thursday, while at work, Casen called me because Nina vomited several times and had a decreased appetite. Fortunately, whatever upset her stomach was all straightened out by today.
Thursday was Shane's birthday and we were definitely low key. We had Raising Cane's for dinner (which by the way can I just say how expensive they are now!?!??! $40 to feed our family of four - ridiculous for chicken fingers). Then Shane blew out a few candles on his 'cake' - AKA unbaked chocolate cookies made into bars.
Luckily, since it was the end of the first nine weeks, the boys did not have school yesterday, so Camden slept until 11:00 am and they both rested and relaxed all day. They both are still snotty and coughing, but luckily the fever is mostly gone. This evening was the end of season flag football tournament and unfortunately, we had to stay at home and watch them play on-line. His team ended up playing two games, both games with only 4 players, and ended up losing in the championship game. So exciting! While we watched the game, Camden and his own excitement by pulling one of his molars.
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Casen's football buddies |
This morning when Camden woke up, he seemed to be OK, but did not seem to be feeling as good as he was yesterday. He pretty much relaxed on the couch all day. By the time this evening came, I noticed his face was flush and his cough was getting worse. I checked his temp, and he had fever again! So we headed to the urgent care where he was diagnosed with bronchitis. The PA gave him a breathing treatment in the office then called in steroids, an inhaler, and Albuterol for the nebulizer.
Since it is a Saturday night, there are not that many pharmacies opened, so she called in his medication to a pharmacy across town from us. We went and picked up Chic-Fil-A, ate in the car while watching Alabama football and waited a few hours to pick up the medicine. Once we got it, we headed home and got him in bed. Hopefully, this will kick it for good. We will keep our fingers crossed, because up to this point, Shane and I have not contracted the flu yet. This week reminded me of when they were little guys and sick, except me being 10 years older definitely affected me differently. I set my alarm each night to medicate their fevers during the middle of the night and once I would get back to bed, it would take several hours to fall back to sleep (thank you old age and menopause). Good times . . . LOL.
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