I must share a funny little story about Camden - as you know Shane takes Camden to school and Camden stays there until it is time for his school to start. A few weeks ago when it was time for him to head over to his school, the choir teacher overheard Camden having a conversation with a second grade student that walks over to the school at the same time. Camden said, "Doesn't it hurt when you get hit in the nuts?" and they both laughed. Then Camden asked him kind of perplexed, "What are nuts?" Apparently Camden heard one of his baseball team mates talking about it. Those little ears listen to everything and will repeat things he doesn't even have a clue what they mean. BOYS!!!!
And now a story that hurt my little heart! Last Wednesday Camden brought home a paper from school about his Kindergarten field trip to the Oil Ranch. I was so excited because it was actually a day I could go and perhaps I could milk another cow while there!! When I told Camden I could go he politely told me he did not want me to go because he just wanted to hang out with his friends. I told him that I wouldn't cramp his style, but he still did not want me to go. A few days later I texted one of the other moms and told her I would not be going on the field trip because Camden had requested I not go and she told me to tell him that Casen's (his good friend in class) mom was going and that may change his mind. So I told him just that and his response was an excited "Oh yea!" I then asked if he had changed his mind about me going and he again told me he did not want me to go. I must admit, I knew that this day would come, but honestly I was not expecting it to be while he was in Kindergarten. So at this point, I am putting all my eggs in one basket and banking on the fact that Casen is a Momma's boy and that hopefully he will gladly let me go with him when it is his Kindergarten field trip!