Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

We spent this Thanksgiving at Shane's parent's house in Lumberton. Shanelle and I prepared the majority of the food, which Shane's mom very much appreciated. Little does she know, I think Shanelle and I enjoyed our time together in the kitchen as much as she enjoyed her time out of the kitchen and spending time with the grand kids!

The boys got to go on their first motorcycle ride with Poppa Ron on his Spyder Can Am. I think they were all in hog heaven!

I had to share something that made me laugh. For Thanksgiving at school Casen had to tell his teachers two things he was thankful for. His two things were Poppyseed Chicken (which is his and Camden's favorite thing I cook) and Legos. The funny thing about Legos is that is probably Camden's favorite thing. Casen really doesn't even play with them at all. Silly boy!

We were fortunate enough to have some wonderful visitors over our Thanksgiving break as well. Lisa and her twins, Madison and Finn came to Houton for a visit. I was so excited to be able to spend some time with her as well as the twins. The boys seemed to love having the babies here, especially Casen. He became quite attached to Madison and really watched after her. 

Camden and Madison
Camden, Finn and me

Casen and Finn

Casen and Maddie

Monday, November 23, 2015

Santa's Wonderland

I just love the Christmas season!! As the boys get older, it seems to be even more magical. One thing I have been wanting to experience with them is Santa's Wonderland in College Station. I have been waiting for them to get old enough to take them and felt this was finally the year. I have heard such wonderful things and it did not disappoint!

While we were there, we enjoyed a beautiful hayride, ate some good food, including a funnel cake - YUM!!! And, it even snowed!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Thanksgiving Feasts

On Wednesday, Casen had a Thanksgiving feast at school, which I was able to attend. I was really excited because in previous years, my job has not been that close to the boy's school, so I was not able to attend these fun little celebrations. However since my new job is a block away from Casen's school, I was able to go to his Thanksgiving feast.

Since Shane's school is right next door to Camden's school, he was able to go over and celebrate with his Thanksgiving feast with him today.

Both of my boys sure make cute Indians!

Monday, November 16, 2015

A Bit Allergic

Poor Camden, it seems like he has been allergic to something ever since he was born. It started with dairy products, which fortunately he outgrew and now it seems to be environmental. Unfortunately, he gets it honestly from his mother. Sorry buddy!!! It seems that since May he has had a snotty nose, and it has become our morning routine for him to wake up blow his nose and take his Zyrtec. In the past 4 months he has been to the pediatrician twice for his allergies  and in October his pediatrician put him on Singular to see if that would help his symptoms alone with the recommendation for us to follow up with an allergist. Since his symptoms did not improve on the Singular, I made an appointment for the allergist, which we saw for the first time a few weeks ago. He started Camden on Nasonex and recommended allergy testing.

So, today we went to the doctor for the allergy testing and it seems as though the poor child is allergic to everything!

I guess I shouldn't be surprised since his allergies seems to be year around. He mainly reacted to cats (C section) one type of dust mites, ragweed, pollen, grasses (B section) and others. He did absolutely awesome though and never once complained about the whole process. The doctor's main concern is that Camden had problems with wheezing in July when his allergies were bad and the doctor is concerned that his allergies are going to cause him to have asthma flare ups. This doctor is not a big proponent of allergy shots, however he did recommend them for Camden.

Camden being silly while we wait.
We stopped and picked up some of Camden's
favorite candy since he did such an
awesome job.

The next step is for us to decide if we continue on with allergy shots, which would be two shots once a month for about three years once we reached the maintenance dose. Getting to maintenance dose requires shots weekly or twice weekly for several months or to just continue to try the Nasonex to see if Camden's symptoms improve on that before starting the shots. All I know is, we need to do something because the poor guy can get really miserable with his allergies.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Soccer Season Comes to an End

It is so hard to believe that another soccer season is in the books. The boys had a great time playing. Camden played with old friends from his previous soccer teams and made new friends. Casen enjoyed playing his first season of outdoor soccer. Unfortunately due to the weather, Camden had to play a lot of his games on the indoor field, but he loved it regardless.

The boys each received a trophy today. It was Casen's first, so he was very excited. They both played hard and had a great time this season!

The Green Giants

Camden's Team - Chicago Fire

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Homemade Gifts

Camden truly is a very thoughtful boy. He is always thinking of others and thinking of things he can give or make for them. For example, when he is at the doctor and gets a sticker, he always asks if he can get one for Casen. And when he can pick things out of the treasure box at school, he struggles only being able to pick one thing because he would rather be able to pick two, so he has a treasure to give his brother. As I tell him often, "That makes a Momma's heart happy!"

Last night he made me two different gifts, a bracelet, and a piece of art. He was very proud that he used things he found in the yard. This morning before leaving for school, he wanted me to take a picture with my gifts.

My pine needle and leaf bracelet

Camden took this picture of me
with my gifts.
I pray that he continues to have a giving heart and always enjoys giving more than the receiving.