Today the boys had their Spring Party at school, and of course Camden was thrilled. I would say that Casen was thrilled as well, but honestly he had no idea. The plan was for them to have a special lunch as well as an Easter Egg Hunt. In Camden's class, his teachers were going to have other fun activities for them as well, like pin the tail on the bunny. Even though Casen is not in the A2 class, which is kiddos who can walk or crawl, he was able to participate in their party since he is eating big boy food. I got tickled when I went to pick him up because I was told that Casen out ate everyone. He had four helpings of chicken nuggets, a whole container of yogurt, a whole container of apple sauce and puffs. Oink oink piggy wiggy!!!
According to Ms. Donna, Camden had a great time during their Easter egg hunt and found the most eggs. That's my boy!!! I am glad to know that it sounds like he is a better egg hunter than he was last year.
Camden's class getting ready for the hunt |
Running for more eggs |
Camden proud of his findings |
Oops, just a little too high |
Casen with his basket at school |
The boys with their baskets they received at school |
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