After Camden had his nap we headed out to more furniture stores to look for his big boy furniture. We looked several weekends ago but were unsuccessful. Honestly, we have gone back and forth as to what pieces we wanted to get as well as what size bed we were going to get. Well, let me just say, all of what I thought we would end up with did not happen. We finally came upon a bedroom suit that we all liked and it will be delivered next Saturday. I think we are both very pleased with it!!! I will wait for the 'Big Boy Bedroom Reveal' to share exactly what we got. Now, to purchase some bedding for his room. I found some I REALLY love, but I just have to decide how much money I am willing to spend . . . .
As for the baby, we still have no name, but I am bound and determined for us to figure out something in the next week. He seems to be more active than Camden which makes me a little worried. I don't recall feeling Camden moving around during the middle of the night, and I wake up sometimes and feel this little guy just a kicking away. As you may recall Camden was an excellent sleeper, so I figure this one will be the complete opposite and we will be up often. I guess only time will tell.
I will leave you with a picture of my little fashionista. Camden put on all his garb while his daddy was watching him this morning and as I was waiting in the waiting room of the lab I received a picture of him all decked out. When I got home, I guess he decided I needed to see him all dressed up in person and he got all of his garb back on and gladly let me take a picture. He just cracks us up!-
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