Me: Camden, do you like Teagan or Caelen better?
Camden: Teagan (not even looking up - still driving his cars)
Me: So, do you like Teagan or Casen better?
Camden: Baby Casen is in Mommy's belly (as he looks up and points at my belly)
Really??? Now let me explain. Shane has liked Casen for awhile and for me, it has not really rang my bell, but to be honest, nothing really has - although I kind of favor Teagan. So the first thought that went through my head was that Shane has been talking to Camden about names and trying to convince him of Casen. (Shane has been known in the past to teach Camden things when I am not around that he knows I would not approve of - like saying 'Doo Doo' instead of Hook Em' Horns). So when Shane got out of the shower I preceded to tell him of Camden's and my conversation. He just laughed. I asked him if he had discussed any of this with Camden and he assured me he didn't, which honestly I believe because Shane has not been overly concerned about a name, knowing we still have time. So then Shane questioned Camden and asked him who was in mommy's belly, which he again repeated, "Baby Casen is in Mommy's belly".
So, I guess we have the first name figured out, but now to come up with the middle name . . . . .
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