Saturday, March 31, 2012
Gifts for the Baby
Shane's sister and her family came and spent the night with us last night, which Camden loved since he could play with his cousin, Gavin. I am ashamed to say that I didn't take a picture one of them together to share, which is so unlike me. However, I did take a picture today of the great clothes Nana and Poppa Ron sent for the baby.The outfits are very cute, but the socks she sent are too precious for words!!! Thank the Lord, our child won't have all hand me downs!!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Camden Knew All Along
Tonight while Shane was taking a shower, Camden and I were playing with his cars. As we were playing with his cars, I decided to ask him his thoughts on three different names that were on our 'baby name' list. This is how the conversation went:
Me: Camden, do you like Teagan or Caelen better?
Camden: Teagan (not even looking up - still driving his cars)
Me: So, do you like Teagan or Casen better?
Camden: Baby Casen is in Mommy's belly (as he looks up and points at my belly)
Really??? Now let me explain. Shane has liked Casen for awhile and for me, it has not really rang my bell, but to be honest, nothing really has - although I kind of favor Teagan. So the first thought that went through my head was that Shane has been talking to Camden about names and trying to convince him of Casen. (Shane has been known in the past to teach Camden things when I am not around that he knows I would not approve of - like saying 'Doo Doo' instead of Hook Em' Horns). So when Shane got out of the shower I preceded to tell him of Camden's and my conversation. He just laughed. I asked him if he had discussed any of this with Camden and he assured me he didn't, which honestly I believe because Shane has not been overly concerned about a name, knowing we still have time. So then Shane questioned Camden and asked him who was in mommy's belly, which he again repeated, "Baby Casen is in Mommy's belly".
So, I guess we have the first name figured out, but now to come up with the middle name . . . . .
Me: Camden, do you like Teagan or Caelen better?
Camden: Teagan (not even looking up - still driving his cars)
Me: So, do you like Teagan or Casen better?
Camden: Baby Casen is in Mommy's belly (as he looks up and points at my belly)
Really??? Now let me explain. Shane has liked Casen for awhile and for me, it has not really rang my bell, but to be honest, nothing really has - although I kind of favor Teagan. So the first thought that went through my head was that Shane has been talking to Camden about names and trying to convince him of Casen. (Shane has been known in the past to teach Camden things when I am not around that he knows I would not approve of - like saying 'Doo Doo' instead of Hook Em' Horns). So when Shane got out of the shower I preceded to tell him of Camden's and my conversation. He just laughed. I asked him if he had discussed any of this with Camden and he assured me he didn't, which honestly I believe because Shane has not been overly concerned about a name, knowing we still have time. So then Shane questioned Camden and asked him who was in mommy's belly, which he again repeated, "Baby Casen is in Mommy's belly".
So, I guess we have the first name figured out, but now to come up with the middle name . . . . .
Monday, March 26, 2012
The First Nosebleed
As was a normal Sunday morning, I answered my page, "Ms. Mommie" that I heard Camden yelling from his room this morning when he was ready to get up. (For the past several weeks, I have been Ms. Mommie and Shane has been Mr. Daddy.) As I walked in his room, he pointed at his bed and said, "Poo Poo." Well, I did see something dark on his sheets, but it wasn't really bright in his room, so I wasn't sure what it was, however I knew I did not smell 'poo poo.' I turned on his light and looked at his sheets and saw quite a bit of blood. As I was looking at it, I was asking Camden where the blood came from. It wasn't a second later, when I actually looked at my son, that I knew exactly where the blood came from!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Appointment - 28 Weeks
Today I had my routine appointment with Dr. Bruce to check on baby boy's progression. I am pleased to say that I have only gained 19 pounds, he is measuring perfectly and his heart rate was 147 bpm. Since we are entering the third trimester, I will be going in 3 weeks for my next appointment, then 2 weeks there after until the last month when I will go weekly. I guess he will be here before we know it!
We are still undecided on a name, and can I tell you that I think it is the spelling that is holding us up! I know I said we would have a name by the end of last week, but that didn't happen so I am praying it will be so by the end of this weekend! And can I tell you that this little guy is soooo active!!! I love feeling him move all the time, but since Camden wasn't so active I am a bit concerned that baby boy is not going to be a good sleeper like Camden was. But I already know that life is not fair, and it just wouldn't be right for me to have two fabulous sleepers, so I am trying to mentally prepare myself!
As for an update on how the nursery and Camden's room are coming along, well they aren't. Shane still has not painted the ceilings in either of their rooms, which I am hoping will happen next weekend and Camden's furniture, which was supposed to be here this weekend, had a huge mix up and now won't be here until next weekend. Once everyone's furniture is in place, I figure I will have everything organized in a timely manner, so I am ready for that! Then I will feel like we are a bit more ready!
And now I will leave you with a picture that shows me pregnant at 28 weeks now (on the right) compared to 28 weeks with Camden (on the left). Why is it that I feel ten times bigger this go around?
We are still undecided on a name, and can I tell you that I think it is the spelling that is holding us up! I know I said we would have a name by the end of last week, but that didn't happen so I am praying it will be so by the end of this weekend! And can I tell you that this little guy is soooo active!!! I love feeling him move all the time, but since Camden wasn't so active I am a bit concerned that baby boy is not going to be a good sleeper like Camden was. But I already know that life is not fair, and it just wouldn't be right for me to have two fabulous sleepers, so I am trying to mentally prepare myself!
As for an update on how the nursery and Camden's room are coming along, well they aren't. Shane still has not painted the ceilings in either of their rooms, which I am hoping will happen next weekend and Camden's furniture, which was supposed to be here this weekend, had a huge mix up and now won't be here until next weekend. Once everyone's furniture is in place, I figure I will have everything organized in a timely manner, so I am ready for that! Then I will feel like we are a bit more ready!
And now I will leave you with a picture that shows me pregnant at 28 weeks now (on the right) compared to 28 weeks with Camden (on the left). Why is it that I feel ten times bigger this go around?
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Big Boy Cups
My mom has been after me since before Christmas to get Camden to drink out of a cup. I had every intent to work on that over Christmas break, but it just did not happen for whatever reason. Chalk it up to me being lazy or the fact that it is just easier to hand him a sippy cup and not worry about a mess, but I decided it was due time to work on this during spring break. A lot of his friends in his class drink out of cups and when Camden is offered a cup at school, he ends up with the majority of his drink on him instead of in him. After working on this task with him this week, I can proudly say that he has done awesome drinking out of a cup and he has mastered yet another 'big boy' task this week.
The Houston Rodeo
Unfortunately spring break turned out to be a week filled with illness at our house. On Monday night Shane started with a horrible 48 hour stomach virus which he so lovingly gave to me. My started on Wednesday night, but luckily mine lasted less than 24 hours and was not as severe as his. And then of course Camden's allergic reaction to what we finally figured out was the new pillow, led me having to take him to the doctor on Wednesday due to him complaining of an ear ache. The doctor could not see his ear drum very well due to wax, but did feel like he had a sinus infection as well as conjunctivitis (which I disagree with) and prescribed him Augmentin to take. So needless to say, knowing how much I can not stand to sit at home, I was more than ready to get out and do something!
So this morning we all got up bright and earlier and headed to the Houston Rodeo. We got there a little after the exhibits opened and I must say it was great timing. We had not told Camden we were going to the rodeo until he got up this morning and after I told him, the first thing he said was, "I want to see the cows!" I am so glad he listened at school when they celebrated the rodeo and was excited about going. He had a great time at the petting zoo, getting to see all the different animals, watching some Mutton Bustin' and going through the kids farm.
So this morning we all got up bright and earlier and headed to the Houston Rodeo. We got there a little after the exhibits opened and I must say it was great timing. We had not told Camden we were going to the rodeo until he got up this morning and after I told him, the first thing he said was, "I want to see the cows!" I am so glad he listened at school when they celebrated the rodeo and was excited about going. He had a great time at the petting zoo, getting to see all the different animals, watching some Mutton Bustin' and going through the kids farm.
![]() |
Camden learned about being a farmer |
Daddy showing Camden how to pet the deer nicely |
Petting a lamb |
Posing with the goats - although keeping his distance |
Talking to the baby chics through the glass |
Friday, March 16, 2012
Woo Hoo!!!!!
Well, since this is Friday and I had my test glucose tolerance test nearly a week ago, I decided that I had procrastinated enough and decided to contact the doctor's office today to see if I passed the test. I am so thrilled to say that I did. Dr. Bruce said all the results were normal!!! I have an appointment next week and I will find out then the actual numbers, but for now I am thrilled!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Big Boy Bed
While Camden's big boy furniture does not arrive until Saturday, we did get his new mattress yesterday and went ahead and set it up so he could get used to sleeping on a bed. I figured Spring Break was a great time for this transition, just in case he did not sleep well. Well let me say, he was very excited about sleeping on his bed, and he did GREAT!!
However, when he woke up this morning, his eyes were very allergic looking with a lot of discharge and he had a nice cough. So now I have to figure out what the heck he is allergic to and pray it is not his mattress. His new pillow is hypoallergenic, however his new mattress pad is waterproof, but not hypoallergenic. So, I guess I will start doing process of elimination to figure out what is affecting him. Luckily, it didn't seem to phase him and he is napping in his bed now as I type this.
However, when he woke up this morning, his eyes were very allergic looking with a lot of discharge and he had a nice cough. So now I have to figure out what the heck he is allergic to and pray it is not his mattress. His new pillow is hypoallergenic, however his new mattress pad is waterproof, but not hypoallergenic. So, I guess I will start doing process of elimination to figure out what is affecting him. Luckily, it didn't seem to phase him and he is napping in his bed now as I type this.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
A Productive Saturday
Our weekend started out with me showing up at the lab bright and early for my 3 hour glucose tolerance test. As you may recall, I had to do the same test when I was pregnant with Camden and ended up passing with flying colors. I pray that this time is the same. The first time around was easier because my friend at work started an IV on me and just drew my blood out of that IV each time, thus one stick. This time I got stuck 4 separate times, which was no fun because apparently as I have aged, my veins are not as great as they used to be which made it fun for the poor lab tech. Once I got home, my blood sugar dropped as it did when I was pregnant with Camden so I am hoping that is a good sign. Regardless, the test is done and over with and now I just await the results.
After Camden had his nap we headed out to more furniture stores to look for his big boy furniture. We looked several weekends ago but were unsuccessful. Honestly, we have gone back and forth as to what pieces we wanted to get as well as what size bed we were going to get. Well, let me just say, all of what I thought we would end up with did not happen. We finally came upon a bedroom suit that we all liked and it will be delivered next Saturday. I think we are both very pleased with it!!! I will wait for the 'Big Boy Bedroom Reveal' to share exactly what we got. Now, to purchase some bedding for his room. I found some I REALLY love, but I just have to decide how much money I am willing to spend . . . .
As for the baby, we still have no name, but I am bound and determined for us to figure out something in the next week. He seems to be more active than Camden which makes me a little worried. I don't recall feeling Camden moving around during the middle of the night, and I wake up sometimes and feel this little guy just a kicking away. As you may recall Camden was an excellent sleeper, so I figure this one will be the complete opposite and we will be up often. I guess only time will tell.
I will leave you with a picture of my little fashionista. Camden put on all his garb while his daddy was watching him this morning and as I was waiting in the waiting room of the lab I received a picture of him all decked out. When I got home, I guess he decided I needed to see him all dressed up in person and he got all of his garb back on and gladly let me take a picture. He just cracks us up!-
After Camden had his nap we headed out to more furniture stores to look for his big boy furniture. We looked several weekends ago but were unsuccessful. Honestly, we have gone back and forth as to what pieces we wanted to get as well as what size bed we were going to get. Well, let me just say, all of what I thought we would end up with did not happen. We finally came upon a bedroom suit that we all liked and it will be delivered next Saturday. I think we are both very pleased with it!!! I will wait for the 'Big Boy Bedroom Reveal' to share exactly what we got. Now, to purchase some bedding for his room. I found some I REALLY love, but I just have to decide how much money I am willing to spend . . . .
As for the baby, we still have no name, but I am bound and determined for us to figure out something in the next week. He seems to be more active than Camden which makes me a little worried. I don't recall feeling Camden moving around during the middle of the night, and I wake up sometimes and feel this little guy just a kicking away. As you may recall Camden was an excellent sleeper, so I figure this one will be the complete opposite and we will be up often. I guess only time will tell.
I will leave you with a picture of my little fashionista. Camden put on all his garb while his daddy was watching him this morning and as I was waiting in the waiting room of the lab I received a picture of him all decked out. When I got home, I guess he decided I needed to see him all dressed up in person and he got all of his garb back on and gladly let me take a picture. He just cracks us up!-
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