On Monday, his paper said "Camden can almost say everyone in the class' name." On Tuesday, he had a great time dancing with Olivia (one of his classmates). On Wednesday he had a super day, and then on Thursday my little heart quit smiling!!! Why, may you ask??? Because we received the ever so dreaded Accident/Incident Report attached to his note informing us that my sweet little angel bit a friend while playing on the slide. Apparently, once again he was not doing it out of meanness he just reached down and bit his friend, and apparently this time left a bruise!!!!! My heart even cried a little for his friend as well as the momma of his friend. It is not easy being a biter's mother. But on a positive note, we have noticed way less biting at home,so hopefully that will carry over to school!
Along with the bad report, Thursday's note said "Camden wasn't sure about hand art today." That made me laugh. Ms. Caroline said that they couldn't get the paint off of his hands fast enough! Welcome to my world. As we are eating we always have to keep a wet wash cloth handy to wipe his hands off when he gets any food on them. My little neat freak (for now anyway). Luckily, Camden redeemed himself on Friday. His note read, "Camden loves circle time. He put his hand over his heart during the pledge." Ms. Caroline said it is the sweetest thing. She knows he doesn't know what he is doing but said she will peek over at him during the pledge and he is standing there with his hand over his heart. Love him!!!!
Just a side note since I like to document EVERYTHING, Hand Foot and Mouth disease was going around Camden's class and of course he got it. We noticed the blisters starting in his diaper area Tuesday night and by Wednesday afternoon when I picked up him from school he had blisters on his hands, feet and knees. I am not sure he ever had blisters in his mouth or fever (which is usually the beginning) but let me say I am grateful that even if he did, he still ate and was pleasant!!!
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