Shane did ask the doctor about the issue of his left foot pronating in since we are going for an orthotics visit on Tuesday, and he felt that he could possibly use some type of support in his shoe but does not see the need for us to do anything with an orthopedist until he is two or so and we do not see improvement. I have faith that with time this issue will resolve itself, so for the time being I am not fretting over that issue! Also, the doctor asked Shane about the medicine that Camden takes for his reflux and Shane told him we were considering weening him off of it to see how he does. The doctor said that basically he has already weened himself off since we have not increased the dosage since it was started, so basically we can just quit giving it to him. Yea!!
Something else exciting that has been going on, but I have been afraid to post for fear it would not last, is he has been off of his Miralax for exactly 2 weeks today and has been pooping like a champ!!! No constipation and no problems. It is so exciting!!! See what I mean about my baby growing up?

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