As with everything else important in the life of Camden, I have spent weeks debating when to get a car seat for Camden. Up to this point, he has been rear facing in his carrier. The professionals recommend that you keep your child rear facing as long as possible, but if you would like to have them forward facing, they should weigh at least 20 lbs. At his appointment on 02/14/11, he weighed in at 19lbs 11oz. I would think that by now he has added another 5 ounces and is now 20 pounds. Also, he seems to be long legged (wonder where he gets that from?) and his little feet have been hitting the back of the seat for awhile now. So, with taking all the information available to us into consideration, we decided to buy Camden a new car seat and put him forward facing.
He seems to enjoy facing forward and seeing everything in front of him. He will still use his carrier when Shane takes him in his vehicle, but while in my vehicle he will be riding big boy style.

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