He absolutely loves to put things on his head, be it his socks, shirts, pants, diaper rag or toys. He thinks it is so funny to put things on his head and thinks it is even better if he can cover up his eyes while doing it.

For Christmas, Camden received a pair of tennis shoes from us. About a week or so after Christmas, Mason and Braden went shopping for new shoes. When they got home and showed us their new shoes, I just laughed. Seems as though Mason has good taste too!! His shoes are exactly like Camden's, just minus the Velcro and in a bigger size!

It has been cold this past week, so of course we are have been bundling up before heading to school. For Christmas, Camden received some mittens and a stocking cap. He doesn't mind wearing either of them, and in fact thinks it is fun to clap with his mittens on.

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