For Camden's birthday party, I had decided not to go with a theme. Camden is not overly interested in one certain item or character and since I am not a theme person we decided to go instead with a color scheme. Since Camden's favorite color is blue, we went with blue and lime green with a little yellow thrown in for good measure. At one of my baby shower's, there was a cute banner that had been made for me, and I had decided then that for his first birthday party, I would make a birthday banner for him. I had worked on it off and on for several weeks, and was very pleased with how it turned out. The banner, along with some balloons, colored plates and napkins and we had the makings for a party!!

The decorations

Camden's Birthday Banner

Shane and I headed out to get the balloons blown up and to buy Camden's birthday present while Mom watched him and made sure he got his nap in. Yes, I do realize how horrible it was that we waited until the last minute to buy his gift. That is so very unlike me, but it is what it is. Luckily, we knew exactly what we wanted and were able to walk in and out of Toys-R-Us rather quickly. We got back from running our errands pretty much in time for us to do a few last minute things before Nana, Poppa Ron and Connor arrived. They were able to spend time with Camden after he got up from his nap, and then Kelsey,
Shanelle and Gavin arrived. Now, it was time to party!
The first thing we did was open presents, which Camden loved. He loved to pull the tissue paper out of the gift bags and see what was in them. He was thrilled with his gifts, which included toys, clothes, money and a tooth bank (for when he starts loosing his teeth).

Getting ready to open presents

Camden was excited about his party!

He loved to pull the tissue paper out of the gift bags

Everyone checking out his gifts
We then ate hamburgers and hot dogs and socialized for a bit. Camden enjoyed eating a hot dog.

Smiling with hot dog in his mouth
Next, was the part I had been waiting for - CAKE TIME! Now let me stop right here and say that my Mom did an awesome job on the cake. As you may or may not know, I can be a bit picky, even though I don't mean to be, but luckily my mother knows just how I am and accepts that (thank goodness!) She brought the cake already decorated, and brought left over icing so she could add anything I wanted or make any changes I wanted. Of course, I had some additions I requested, which she gladly obliged. The cake turned out great and tasted absolutely wonderful. Along with making the big cake, Mom also made an individual cake for Camden. We sang 'Happy Birthday' to him and then put the cake in front of him. He immediately stuck a finger in it, and then tasted it. After he decided it was good, he stuck his whole hand in the cake and then the other hand. He was so excited he started clapping his hands with them covered in cake and icing, so cake was flying everywhere! I went ahead and moved the cake, cleaned him up and then fed his some cake and ice cream, which he loved!

The birthday cake Grandma Key made

Camden's personal birthday cake

We got the hat on, now we are ready!

Everyone was singing 'Happy Birthday' and Camden was not quiet sure what to think

Trying to figure out the cake

Tasting it for the first time

Camden was very excited after he finally tasted the cake

He decided to get both hands into the cake

Camden was clapping his hands and yelling "Yea!"

Cake was everywhere!

remnants of his cake
Everyone visited for a bit longer and then Shane's family had to leave to return to their homes. We had a great time celebrating Camden's first birthday and look forward to celebrating many more! Camden was absolutely wonderful for the whole party and really enjoyed being the center of attention - I guess he gets that from Shane! ; ) We appreciate everyone who came to the party as well as the others that remembered him on his special day!

Camden and I enjoyed his first birthday party!