Tuesday was pretty uneventful. He did have diarrhea two different times that had the sickness smell but he never once vomited. I only gave him small amounts of juice, bananas and applesauce for the majority of the day, and then finally reintroduced his formula. It was obvious, however, that his reflux was on overdrive and he had more than his share of wet burps. He slept well last night, but woke up a tad early this morning due to being hungry. So we all headed to daycare and work figuring he was on the mend.
Mid morning, I started feeling a bit unsettled, but just worked my way through it. By lunch time, I had no appetite and was nauseous. By 12:45 pm I was puking in my office full of students - LOVELY! Of course, I felt much better after this and continued to work (despite my better judgement). By 2:30 pm, we had heard from daycare that Camden was vomiting again and having horrible smelling diapers, and requested we come and get him. I called the doctor's office and made an appointment for them to see him this evening, just to check things out. I am sure that his reflux is causing an issue, and I just wanted to make sure he didn't appear dehydrated to them. Since Shane and I rode together to work, we left to pick up Camden and head home. After becoming sick again, I took some medication and passed out on the couch while Shane tended to Camden. He took him to his doctor's appointment where they said he was not dehydrated, and that the gastroenteritis would definitely have an effect on his reflux and just to follow the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, apples and toast). They suggested we keep his 9 month appointment which I had previously scheduled for tomorrow. After resting for several hours, I woke up and felt a bit better. Again, we decided I would stay home with Camden tomorrow.
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