Since introducing some of the Stage 3 baby foods, we have found that Camden has some texture issues. For instance, when giving him 'Apples and Bananas with Oatmeal', he will gag and spit out the biggest piece of oatmeal that is in his mouth. With 'Chicken and Mixed Vegetables', the second a chunk of carrot lands on his tongue, he again is gagging and spitting it out. And if he can't get the chunk out, then he will just sit there with his mouth wide open waiting for the food to fall out of his mouth. Pretty smart and talented!
Due to his texture issues, we decided we needed to try to broaden Camden's horizons. There are some foods we would like to try, but due to his milk allergy are unable to do so. While at the grocery store on Sunday, we found some new food items for him to try. Tonight he tried these teething crackers called Baby Mum-Mum's and he seemed to enjoy them!

Noah Catherine is the SAME way! She completely gags at any chunk of food but she is completely capable of chewing. She eats lots of finger foods but something about the combination of the mushy and solid throws her off!