On Saturday, we took Camden and Gavin to have Easter pictures taken. The place in town where I got Camden's baby furniture was having Easter pictures with live bunnies and I felt this was a great opportunity to get Camden and Gavin in a nice picture together. It was quiet interesting trying to get a good shot with a 6 week old who is a wiggle worm and a 10 month old who loves to knock his fist on things and grab at the 6 week old. But after some work, I think we will end up with a great picture.
After we got home from the pictures, Shane's Aunt Shirley, Aunt Manya, Uncle Ronald, Pop Pop and Nadine came to visit. The majority of them had never met Gavin and so were thrilled to be able to come and see both Camden and Gavin.
On Sunday, more family arrived with Aunt Manya and Uncle Ronald returning along with Shane's Uncle Harold, Aunt Carol, Maw Maw, Ira and second cousin Austin. Again, it was so great to have family come and visit with us and spend time with Gavin and Camden. Like I have said before, it has been really great living close to Shane's family. They have been nothing but great to us and we will definitely miss seeing and visiting with them once we move back to Texas.
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