Well I must give
kudos to my husband for doing the father duty last night so I could get some much needed rest. After Camden's 9:30 pm feeding, I headed to bed after making his midnight bottle with 110cc of breast milk. I tossed and turned through out the night, but didn't really wake up until 6:00 am. Now let me say, the sleep was awesome, but the rock hard boobs this morning were not so nice!!! (I know, more information than you care to hear!) Perhaps I need not go that long without pumping or feeding Camden. We will just call that a lesson learned. This morning Shane reported that Camden ate almost the whole bottle, but he couldn't get him to go to sleep until almost 2:00 am. Welcome to my world!!!
Camden has had a much better day today. He has been so very pleasant and has slept more than normal. I am sure he is trying to catch up from yesterday - which is fine. We went for a walk today which he really seemed to enjoy more than our past walks. It was absolutely gorgeous outside and I can't wait for the weather to stay this way so we can do more outside things!!

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