Today I decided we would try the bottle again so I could again see how much he was consuming. I am a bit concerned that perhaps I am not producing enough breast milk for him and of course want to make sure he is getting everything he needs so he can grow accordingly. Well, once again he refused the bottle - even though it was straight breast milk. I am so frustrated with that darned formula, because up until that time he would take a bottle just fine!! This evening after I fed him, Shane attempted to give him some breast milk in the bottle, and again, refusal. So I decided I would try a different type of bottle than the Avent that we have been using, and tried to have Shane give it to him in a Playtex nurser. Again, refusal. For his night feeding I offered him the bottle, but this time prior to breast feeding and he drank the ounce I had in there. Woo Hoo!!!!! So maybe we are getting some where. I just know that the little guy thinks I am going to give him that nasty formula again - poor thing. I hope this isn't an indicator that he is going to be a picky eater like one of his parents. ; ) So for the time being I think I will just let the formula go and just see if the Zantac will do the trick.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Trial and Error
On Tuesday we tried a new eating routine with not so favorable results. Dr. McGiffert had recommended that if I wanted, I could supplement Camden's breast milk with a few feedings a day of Similac Sensative. Well, let me just start by saying that I have been a mom the past 8 weeks instead of a nurse, so all my nursing education has gone out the window!!! So I gave him a bottle of the formula - not even thinking to only give him maybe half formula and half breast milk to allow him to adjust. Anyway, he was not the least bit thrilled with the taste of it. He made horrible faces, and who can really blame him since the stuff smelled like dirt and it was extremely frothy. So after much coercing, he took the bottle. About 45 minutes later, the crying and screaming began and this lasted for several hours. So I then attempted at his next feeding to give a bottle of just straight breast milk so I could see how much he was consuming. He would suck a few times and then every time he went to swallow he would cry. My first thought was an ear infection, but I knew better since she had just looked at his ears the day before. So after fighting him to take the milk (of which he only consumed an ounce) I offered him the breast which he took with no problem at all. UGH!!! After talking to my personal breast feeding consultant, Lorrie, I was reminded that perhaps I should make the bottle half breast milk, half formula the next time and see how he responds to that. So, the next bottle I made 75% breast milk and 25% formula with one drop of Mylicon to rid of all the frothy bubbles. This bottle I had Shane give him since they say that they usually take it better from someone other than the breast feeding mother, but that was not the case. I think he finally consumed 2 ounces of the bottle before drifting off to sleep - but that was only short lived. Forty-five minutes later he was up screaming and crying again for another hour and a half to two hours. After this, I believe we will forgo this particular type of formula! I don't know if it is because the formula is milk based, but lactose free and the milk is bothering him or what, but once again it is sooooo miserable to see your child suffering with such horrible gas pains.
Today I decided we would try the bottle again so I could again see how much he was consuming. I am a bit concerned that perhaps I am not producing enough breast milk for him and of course want to make sure he is getting everything he needs so he can grow accordingly. Well, once again he refused the bottle - even though it was straight breast milk. I am so frustrated with that darned formula, because up until that time he would take a bottle just fine!! This evening after I fed him, Shane attempted to give him some breast milk in the bottle, and again, refusal. So I decided I would try a different type of bottle than the Avent that we have been using, and tried to have Shane give it to him in a Playtex nurser. Again, refusal. For his night feeding I offered him the bottle, but this time prior to breast feeding and he drank the ounce I had in there. Woo Hoo!!!!! So maybe we are getting some where. I just know that the little guy thinks I am going to give him that nasty formula again - poor thing. I hope this isn't an indicator that he is going to be a picky eater like one of his parents. ; ) So for the time being I think I will just let the formula go and just see if the Zantac will do the trick.
Today I decided we would try the bottle again so I could again see how much he was consuming. I am a bit concerned that perhaps I am not producing enough breast milk for him and of course want to make sure he is getting everything he needs so he can grow accordingly. Well, once again he refused the bottle - even though it was straight breast milk. I am so frustrated with that darned formula, because up until that time he would take a bottle just fine!! This evening after I fed him, Shane attempted to give him some breast milk in the bottle, and again, refusal. So I decided I would try a different type of bottle than the Avent that we have been using, and tried to have Shane give it to him in a Playtex nurser. Again, refusal. For his night feeding I offered him the bottle, but this time prior to breast feeding and he drank the ounce I had in there. Woo Hoo!!!!! So maybe we are getting some where. I just know that the little guy thinks I am going to give him that nasty formula again - poor thing. I hope this isn't an indicator that he is going to be a picky eater like one of his parents. ; ) So for the time being I think I will just let the formula go and just see if the Zantac will do the trick.
Monday, March 29, 2010
2 Month Checkup
Where do I begin?? Today we had our 2 month check up with shots. I was and wasn't looking forward to this appointment. The reason I was looking forward to it is because I couldn't wait to see how much weight my precious angel had gained. I was dreading it for the obvious - shots!!! Well, first thing they did was strip him down and weigh him, which he weighed 9 pounds and was 22 inches long. I was thrilled, until Dr. McGiffert informed me that he is in the 5th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for height. UGH!!! We have got to get some weight on this child. We had a long discussion regarding him possibly being allergic to milk, and after a long discussion, she agreed that he probably is lactose intolerant - which most children out grow between 6 months and a year of age. After her asking multiple questions and me apparently not having the right answers, she determined that he could possibly also have reflux. So she is doing a trial of Zantac twice daily for a few weeks to see if there is any improvement. She also suggested that I try Similac Sensitive for a few feedings a day to see if I see any improvement in regards to his fussiness and gas if I wanted to go that route. I believe that I will probably start pumping and then feeding him to make sure he is getting adequate milk intake, although she said I could feed him from the breast and then add additional milk that I have pumped. I will also try the formula for a few feedings, hoping that it too will add extra weight onto him.
When she was performing his physical exam, she listened to his chest for quiet a long time. Being a cardiac nurse, I knew this was not the norm. He was being quiet the wiggle worm, so she was having a hard time hearing, but thought she could have heard a murmur. So she went and got another doctor to listen and that doctor said she could definitely hear it. So she is referring us to a pediatric cardiologist at Children's Hospital in Birmingham. In the meantime though, she threw out that I could stop by my work and have them do an echocardiogram on him if I wanted to see for sure if it was a atrial septal defect or patent ductus arteriosis. Well, since I already had plans to stop by there for them to see Camden for the first time, why not put my co-workers to work!! Melanie, one of our wonderful echo techs, did an echocardiogram and we could see the small patent foramen ovale (PFO)he had. This is a hole that all infants have, but they usually close up right after birth when babies take their first big breath. It is not really an uncommon thing and usually 80% of babies PFO's close at a later date. Dr. Hemstreet listened to Camden and looked at the echo pictures and was ready to tell me not to keep the appointment, but said I should go to the appointment since she is referring us, but not to fret because it really is fine. Perhaps this is why I have been in cardiology for almost 8 years!?!?
He received his immunizations today, one oral and five shots, three in his left leg, two in the right. Of course he cried, but the minute she went to put his band aids on he stopped - thankfully. It was not as bad as I had imagined, thank the Lord!! So, we are to go back in two weeks for a weight check and then in 2 months for his 4 month visit. In the meantime, we will be receiving a call with his cardiology appointment in Birmingham. The fun never ends, does it?
When she was performing his physical exam, she listened to his chest for quiet a long time. Being a cardiac nurse, I knew this was not the norm. He was being quiet the wiggle worm, so she was having a hard time hearing, but thought she could have heard a murmur. So she went and got another doctor to listen and that doctor said she could definitely hear it. So she is referring us to a pediatric cardiologist at Children's Hospital in Birmingham. In the meantime though, she threw out that I could stop by my work and have them do an echocardiogram on him if I wanted to see for sure if it was a atrial septal defect or patent ductus arteriosis. Well, since I already had plans to stop by there for them to see Camden for the first time, why not put my co-workers to work!! Melanie, one of our wonderful echo techs, did an echocardiogram and we could see the small patent foramen ovale (PFO)he had. This is a hole that all infants have, but they usually close up right after birth when babies take their first big breath. It is not really an uncommon thing and usually 80% of babies PFO's close at a later date. Dr. Hemstreet listened to Camden and looked at the echo pictures and was ready to tell me not to keep the appointment, but said I should go to the appointment since she is referring us, but not to fret because it really is fine. Perhaps this is why I have been in cardiology for almost 8 years!?!?
He received his immunizations today, one oral and five shots, three in his left leg, two in the right. Of course he cried, but the minute she went to put his band aids on he stopped - thankfully. It was not as bad as I had imagined, thank the Lord!! So, we are to go back in two weeks for a weight check and then in 2 months for his 4 month visit. In the meantime, we will be receiving a call with his cardiology appointment in Birmingham. The fun never ends, does it?
Sunday, March 28, 2010
This weekend was very uneventful, unless you count yesterday consisting of a WHOLE ENTIRE DAY of fussiness. I believe that our child only slept 35 minutes the whole entire day, aside from his bedtime sleeping. To say the least, it was a LONG day!!! I have a feeling I might have contributed to his ill attitude due to the fried chicken and buttermilk biscuit I had on Friday night. I don't know if it was the spicy chicken or the milk in the biscuit, but either way, we all paid for it! Today, he slept the majority of the day, I suppose trying to catch up, but can I say it made for a much better day!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010
7 Weeks Old
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Today was a beautiful day and when Shane got home from school he informed me that he would be going to a baseball game at Hillcrest High School to watch the kids he coached last year. I have been missing going to the games and seeing the kids and visiting with their parents, so I decided Camden and I would go also. I changed him into a 'baseball' outfit and away we went. Camden did absolutely wonderful. We were out at the field for about 3 hours and aside from his eating time, he pretty much slept. Little does he know that this was the beginning of his life at the ball field - he will have many, many more trips to come!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Gifts from Nana
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Visitors, visitors, and more visitors
We were fortunate enough to have a lot of Shane's family visit this weekend. Late Friday night, his sister, her husband and 10 month old son, Gavin, came in from Texas for a long weekend. It was so great to see them and see how much Gavin has changed since we last saw him in November. He is absolutely precious, and such a happy child. Camden was glad to finally get to meet his Aunt Shanelle, Uncle Kelsey and cousin Gavin.
On Saturday, we took Camden and Gavin to have Easter pictures taken. The place in town where I got Camden's baby furniture was having Easter pictures with live bunnies and I felt this was a great opportunity to get Camden and Gavin in a nice picture together. It was quiet interesting trying to get a good shot with a 6 week old who is a wiggle worm and a 10 month old who loves to knock his fist on things and grab at the 6 week old. But after some work, I think we will end up with a great picture.
After we got home from the pictures, Shane's Aunt Shirley, Aunt Manya, Uncle Ronald, Pop Pop and Nadine came to visit. The majority of them had never met Gavin and so were thrilled to be able to come and see both Camden and Gavin.
On Sunday, more family arrived with Aunt Manya and Uncle Ronald returning along with Shane's Uncle Harold, Aunt Carol, Maw Maw, Ira and second cousin Austin. Again, it was so great to have family come and visit with us and spend time with Gavin and Camden. Like I have said before, it has been really great living close to Shane's family. They have been nothing but great to us and we will definitely miss seeing and visiting with them once we move back to Texas.
On Saturday, we took Camden and Gavin to have Easter pictures taken. The place in town where I got Camden's baby furniture was having Easter pictures with live bunnies and I felt this was a great opportunity to get Camden and Gavin in a nice picture together. It was quiet interesting trying to get a good shot with a 6 week old who is a wiggle worm and a 10 month old who loves to knock his fist on things and grab at the 6 week old. But after some work, I think we will end up with a great picture.
After we got home from the pictures, Shane's Aunt Shirley, Aunt Manya, Uncle Ronald, Pop Pop and Nadine came to visit. The majority of them had never met Gavin and so were thrilled to be able to come and see both Camden and Gavin.
On Sunday, more family arrived with Aunt Manya and Uncle Ronald returning along with Shane's Uncle Harold, Aunt Carol, Maw Maw, Ira and second cousin Austin. Again, it was so great to have family come and visit with us and spend time with Gavin and Camden. Like I have said before, it has been really great living close to Shane's family. They have been nothing but great to us and we will definitely miss seeing and visiting with them once we move back to Texas.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Ahhh - Sleep
Well I must give kudos to my husband for doing the father duty last night so I could get some much needed rest. After Camden's 9:30 pm feeding, I headed to bed after making his midnight bottle with 110cc of breast milk. I tossed and turned through out the night, but didn't really wake up until 6:00 am. Now let me say, the sleep was awesome, but the rock hard boobs this morning were not so nice!!! (I know, more information than you care to hear!) Perhaps I need not go that long without pumping or feeding Camden. We will just call that a lesson learned. This morning Shane reported that Camden ate almost the whole bottle, but he couldn't get him to go to sleep until almost 2:00 am. Welcome to my world!!!
Camden has had a much better day today. He has been so very pleasant and has slept more than normal. I am sure he is trying to catch up from yesterday - which is fine. We went for a walk today which he really seemed to enjoy more than our past walks. It was absolutely gorgeous outside and I can't wait for the weather to stay this way so we can do more outside things!!

Camden has had a much better day today. He has been so very pleasant and has slept more than normal. I am sure he is trying to catch up from yesterday - which is fine. We went for a walk today which he really seemed to enjoy more than our past walks. It was absolutely gorgeous outside and I can't wait for the weather to stay this way so we can do more outside things!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010
6 Weeks - Really?
Today Camden turned 6 weeks old and I had my 6 week check-up with Dr. DiPiazza - have I ever said how much I just love her!! She examined me and said that everything is healing really well and we discussed birth control - blah, blah! They weighed me and I weighed only 3 pounds more than pre-pregnancy weight. Sounds great, right??? Well it would be if I only had my pre-pregnancy shape. Who ever lost their tire and wants it back can have it. I am tired of not being able to wear the majority of my shirts due to them accenting this tub of lard that I have around my mid section.
I started running around the neighborhood almost 2 weeks ago trying to get my stamina up before heading back to the gym. I didn't want to look like I was dying when I got on the treadmill around other people. On Wednesday, I decided to make my first venture to the gym. That in itself was a hoot. The owner, David, was at the front desk when I entered the gym. The following was our conversation. David: "Great to see you. This is your first time back in the gym since you had your baby, right?" Me: "Yes, and I have some work to do to get rid of this fat roll I have." David: "You don't look near as bad as a lot of women I see after they have their babies." Thanks, really - guess I had it coming. ; )
Camden had a rough day today - he has a horrible rash on his hiney - almost looks like it is burnt. He has had this once before and I have now decided that I think it is the spaghetti we had - I don't think tomatoes agree with him, even though the experts say acid does not cross into breast milk. I do believe I will forgo tomato based meals. I have been avoiding dairy for the past 2 weeks now, not really sure if he has a milk allergy or not, but he is very gassy and very fussy. You will do anything to help your child - although I am not sure if it has helped or not. I truly am at a loss as what to do. I have been using soy milk, eating organic bread, and avoiding anything that has any type of dairy product in it. I can tell you, it is NOT easy - no cheese, no ice cream, no chocolate chip cookies (store bought), no bread crumbs, the list goes on and on. When he has his appointment in a little less than 2 weeks, I think the pediatrician and I will have a long talk about all of this - only time will tell!!
I started running around the neighborhood almost 2 weeks ago trying to get my stamina up before heading back to the gym. I didn't want to look like I was dying when I got on the treadmill around other people. On Wednesday, I decided to make my first venture to the gym. That in itself was a hoot. The owner, David, was at the front desk when I entered the gym. The following was our conversation. David: "Great to see you. This is your first time back in the gym since you had your baby, right?" Me: "Yes, and I have some work to do to get rid of this fat roll I have." David: "You don't look near as bad as a lot of women I see after they have their babies." Thanks, really - guess I had it coming. ; )
Camden had a rough day today - he has a horrible rash on his hiney - almost looks like it is burnt. He has had this once before and I have now decided that I think it is the spaghetti we had - I don't think tomatoes agree with him, even though the experts say acid does not cross into breast milk. I do believe I will forgo tomato based meals. I have been avoiding dairy for the past 2 weeks now, not really sure if he has a milk allergy or not, but he is very gassy and very fussy. You will do anything to help your child - although I am not sure if it has helped or not. I truly am at a loss as what to do. I have been using soy milk, eating organic bread, and avoiding anything that has any type of dairy product in it. I can tell you, it is NOT easy - no cheese, no ice cream, no chocolate chip cookies (store bought), no bread crumbs, the list goes on and on. When he has his appointment in a little less than 2 weeks, I think the pediatrician and I will have a long talk about all of this - only time will tell!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Neurology Appointment
Today I had a follow up Neurology appointment with Dr. Hogan. Of course he did a full neuro exam which was fine. He asked me how things had been with my eye and I informed him about how my vision decreased the day after labor and delivery. He said he wanted to perform an MRI with contrast of the brain, thoracic and cervical spine, since they were unable to do the prior MRI with contrast due to my pregnancy. He said he wanted to make sure there are no multiple sclerosis lesions anywhere. He asked if I was breastfeeding to which I informed him I am. He informed me that if you receive contrast you have to waste 24 to 48 hours of milk and said we could wait until I finished breast feeding before performing the MRI. He said we could re-evaluate in 6 months my breast feeding status, but I informed him we may no longer be here at that time. So we are going to re-evaluate in 4 months, which my appointment is for the beginning of July. I told him I had plenty of breast milk stored if he felt we needed to do it now, but he said that with MS treatments you can not breast feed anyway, so just to continue breast feeding and to notify him sooner if I have any new signs or symptoms. So, I guess we will see what happens come July.
As far as Camden goes, my appointment was at 8:45 this morning and when I got up at 6:40 am to start getting ready, he was still asleep. So I put on my make up and fixed my hair, and yet again he was still asleep. So I decided I would go ahead and pump and then feed him from a bottle, so as not to waste time. Well, he ate 100cc when I did feed him (or a little under 3 1/2 ounces). So, I guess yesterday I shorted him!! My baby is a growing. . . . . . .
As far as Camden goes, my appointment was at 8:45 this morning and when I got up at 6:40 am to start getting ready, he was still asleep. So I put on my make up and fixed my hair, and yet again he was still asleep. So I decided I would go ahead and pump and then feed him from a bottle, so as not to waste time. Well, he ate 100cc when I did feed him (or a little under 3 1/2 ounces). So, I guess yesterday I shorted him!! My baby is a growing. . . . . . .
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Aunt Melissa's Visit
Friday night Shane, Camden and myself headed to Birmingham airport to pick up my sister, Melissa, from the airport. Her flight was due in about 9:30 pm, but got a bit delayed and she arrived around 10:00 pm. She was excited to finally meet Camden and he showed off his fussy side for her!!
Our weekend was a bit subdued and we had no plans for her visit here except to go to my cousin's house, (Jared, Kara, Ellie, and Riley) in Trussville on Sunday for grilled steak and sides. Our Aunt Ann was visiting them over the weekend to spend time with her granddaughters, and it was so great to see her again. Melissa had not seen Aunt Ann in about 15 or so years, but luckily I was fortunate enough to see her this past summer. The visit was great - Camden was a bit fussy, but slept for a good majority of the time. It was nice to get out and have good food and great conversation.
Today I drove Melissa back to Birmingham to the airport and then stopped by the dealership there for general maintenance on my vehicle. Since I was going to be gone longer than 3 hours, Shane was given instructions on how to give Camden a bottle of breast milk that I had prepared for him. To be honest, I was unsure how much to prepare, since I have no clue how much Camden has been eating. So I went with what I have read as far as how much one eats at his age, and had 2 ounces ready for him to eat. Shane said he took it like a champ and had it down within 5 minutes, and that was including a burp half way through the feeding!! I have a feeling I should have prepared 3 ounces, but I will know better for next time.
Before Melissa left, she said that Camden was cuter than when she arrived! : ) I honestly think he did change over the weekend - he finally looks like he is putting on more weight. (I was able to retire more of his newborn clothes this weekend - which to me is proof!) He is a lot more alert now and is smiling some, but with out knowing he is doing it. We enjoyed her visit and it honestly makes me even more ready to move to be closer to my family!!

Our weekend was a bit subdued and we had no plans for her visit here except to go to my cousin's house, (Jared, Kara, Ellie, and Riley) in Trussville on Sunday for grilled steak and sides. Our Aunt Ann was visiting them over the weekend to spend time with her granddaughters, and it was so great to see her again. Melissa had not seen Aunt Ann in about 15 or so years, but luckily I was fortunate enough to see her this past summer. The visit was great - Camden was a bit fussy, but slept for a good majority of the time. It was nice to get out and have good food and great conversation.
Today I drove Melissa back to Birmingham to the airport and then stopped by the dealership there for general maintenance on my vehicle. Since I was going to be gone longer than 3 hours, Shane was given instructions on how to give Camden a bottle of breast milk that I had prepared for him. To be honest, I was unsure how much to prepare, since I have no clue how much Camden has been eating. So I went with what I have read as far as how much one eats at his age, and had 2 ounces ready for him to eat. Shane said he took it like a champ and had it down within 5 minutes, and that was including a burp half way through the feeding!! I have a feeling I should have prepared 3 ounces, but I will know better for next time.
Before Melissa left, she said that Camden was cuter than when she arrived! : ) I honestly think he did change over the weekend - he finally looks like he is putting on more weight. (I was able to retire more of his newborn clothes this weekend - which to me is proof!) He is a lot more alert now and is smiling some, but with out knowing he is doing it. We enjoyed her visit and it honestly makes me even more ready to move to be closer to my family!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Bye Bye Newborn Clothes. . . . . . Hello Target
Today Camden is 5 weeks old, and like I said last week, it is so hard to believe how fast the time is going by. I was surprised today when I put an outfit on Camden that really did not allow him to extend his legs out very well like he needs - so he MUST be growing! Now mind you this is an outfit that he has wore many, many times (due to our constant wardrobe changes from "accidents"). I actually got excited because we are now able to retire some of his Newborn clothes - not all of them, just one certain brand. But at least we are growing - I feel like I must be doing something right!!! For an obsessive compulsive person like myself, breastfeeding has been difficult not knowing how much milk he is truly consuming at each feeding, so his growth is one of my indicators that he must be getting what he needs!!! Woo Hoo!!!
Today we had our first real outing. Now we have been out, but only to the doctor's office, the lab, and the hospital. So I consider our venture out today to be the first normal, real outing. We went to Target (for a baby swing) and then to a local baby shop called Baby Talk (for a new pacifier). Camden did wonderful - he spit up a few times, but never really made a peep and slept most of the time. We were home in time for his next feeding and then a nice walk around the neighborhood since it was such a beautiful day. It is nice to start getting some normalcy back in my routine - and I think Camden enjoyed it too!
Today we had our first real outing. Now we have been out, but only to the doctor's office, the lab, and the hospital. So I consider our venture out today to be the first normal, real outing. We went to Target (for a baby swing) and then to a local baby shop called Baby Talk (for a new pacifier). Camden did wonderful - he spit up a few times, but never really made a peep and slept most of the time. We were home in time for his next feeding and then a nice walk around the neighborhood since it was such a beautiful day. It is nice to start getting some normalcy back in my routine - and I think Camden enjoyed it too!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Where Did He Go?
I laid Camden down today for one of his naps in his Pack-N-Play, which is where he sleeps at night for the time being. He is quiet the wiggle worm and since he has a lot of gas, does not seem to always sleep very sound. Anyway, the following picture shows pretty much how he looks when I left him.

I went to wake him up so he could feed and when I walked in the room my heart sank for a second when I looked in the Pack-N-Play.
My little wiggle worm had worked his way down under the blanket all the way to the edge of the Pack-N-Play.

I went to wake him up so he could feed and when I walked in the room my heart sank for a second when I looked in the Pack-N-Play.
My little wiggle worm had worked his way down under the blanket all the way to the edge of the Pack-N-Play.

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