Today my son made me a proud mommy. I had my weekly appointment and Dr. D had scheduled me for a bio-physical profile ultrasound in order to make sure Camden was doing OK and because I have been measuring small. Well, he scored eight out of eight and did all things he was to do in less than 2 minutes, which included practice breathing and sucking in amniotic fluid! Also, he finally allowed us to see his face, which she printed out a few 4-D pictures of. This is really the first time he has behaved when we have done an ultrasound and I think this is the first time I have seen his whole face since he was 3 months old (when he looked like an alien). So to say the least, I was so very proud to see him!!!

As for me, I weighed the same as last week, still a 30 lb weight gain on their scale and 27 lbs on mine. My
fundal height was 37cm and I was 1 1/2cm dilated and 50% effaced. She requested to see me on Monday, at which time she will do yet another bio-physical profile ultrasound and also get measurements of Camden again. She said if he does not pass at least 6 out of the 8 things they look for, then she will induce me on Monday instead of Thursday. Let's say a prayer that he passes with flying colors again so that we can keep our induction date of Thursday - that would really work better for all our families!! : )
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