Shelbe, my child/dog, also had a rough time. She is completely blind and very deaf and felt very out of kilter in Georgia. On both Friday and Saturday night she had a seizure. She has had one a month for the past 4 or 5 months, but never back to back like this. Anyway, I have really had to contemplate her life and decide if she is enjoying her life or suffering. It has been rough thinking about this and I am praying that perhaps she die in her sleep when it is time, or that I am very aware it is time to do something when that time arises. I am glad to report that since we have been home, she is definitely back to herself and seems cheerful. So hopefully for the time being, I can put those thoughts on the back burner.
I must throw in a Congratulations to my cousin Chris and her husband Jerry on the birth of their son, Cooper, this morning. Chris and her sister Becky were pregnant and due the same week as myself - all of us with boys. Anyway, apparently Cooper had to prove a point and came a bit early, but I am glad to say he is beautiful and doing very well!! Ought to be interesting to see who goes next...... : )
Melinda, I'm sorry I haven't left any comments lately on either Fb or your blog. I have been watching your progression and have prayed throughout. God is very good, He has kept his hand on you and baby Connor! I will continue to pray for the "three" of you and for Connor's up coming arrival. You look Great BTW! I read in your latest blog about your dog. We too have struggled with Olivia's Companion/Service dog she received in April '09. We went to Arizona for over 2 wks. to learn how to work with this Beautiful yellow english lab. Soon after returning home we had to see a Cardiologist (isn't that ironic) because of a heart mumur that was detected the day before we left. The Cardiologist said he had Tricuspid Dysplasia while viewing the Echo (His right atrium was so enlarged that it was not fully visible on screen). He gave him 6 mo. maybe 1 yr @ the longest. Olivia decided on her own to send him back where she thought he'd be most comfortable in Arizona with his trainer. Well the night before they arrived Olivia decided she couldn't send him back after all. We along with "Canine Co-Pilot's" were worried about the trauma Olivia would endure during after his death. BTW his name is Solo (he was the only pup in his litter). We were wrong, Olivia said she wanted to keep him and informed us that, " Solo would live only as long as the time he has left". She has marked every b'day, holiday and any other day w/signifigance as another day that we got to share with Solo. I know I'm rambling on but I'll try and wrap it up before Connor arrives, LOL. Her christmas wish was for Solo to live long enough to meet her Sister that lives in L.A. @ Christmas time. Well that wish came true, I'm proud to announce. On New Year's day Olivia and me were taking a bath with Solo laying there as he always does. I mentioned to Olivia how exciting it is that Solo made it to the New Year with us. She commented, "better yet Mommy... we don't have to remember all the good times with him because we're still making them!"
ReplyDeleteNow getting back to relating to your situation. Solo has slowly gotten worse over time, and some days I wonder if were letting him suffer. But then he will perk up and his happiness shines through all else. He was born w/this condition and "somewhat" like Olivia, he knows of no other way of living. So I guess it goes back to what Olivia originally told us, "he will live as long as he has". I take that to mean when it his time he will go and not until then:o)
I am so sorry... I saw Connor's name (your nephew right?), and put it instead of Camden! Please try to overlook.
ReplyDeleteI so needed to hear that and appreciate you sharing that with me!! Olivia is so very wise; she just amazes me. I must remember that and not take a day for granted that Shelbe is here. I am hoping that she is able to meet Camden, but only time will tell if that will happen.