Well, I must take some time to brag on what a good friend I have. I have talked about Lorrie before in my entries, but this time she has out done herself. First of all, she has sent Camden numerous things throughout my pregnancy. Even when we weren't sure of the sex of the child, she sent girl items, just knowing it was a girl. : ) Well, yesterday a box arrived addressed to Mr. Camden Hood. Inside of this box was a ton of stuff that he needs including gowns, receiving blankets, her favorite type of fingernail clippers she used with her children, an ear thermometer, newborn pacifiers, under shirts, and a travel diaper changing station. How blessed we were to receive these wonderful items!!! It is so nice to have a great friend who will give me all sorts of advice and who I can ask questions to without her thinking I am crazy!! (or perhaps she does think I am crazy but just doesn't let on to that....)

Another thing that Lorrie has done that has been such a relief and blessing for us, has to do with when we move back to Texas. I had asked my sister a few months ago for a list of daycares that her friends have used that are supposed to be good. She sent me a list and they each had websites that I could go and get an idea of what they were like and what their curriculum consisted of. Based on what I had seen, I picked the one I liked the best and emailed them regarding our situation of not being back in Texas until July or August. Of course they had a waiting list and requested a $100 fee to just put our name on the list. When I questioned about the cost of this particular daycare, it was $210 a week. I was in shock. I know what people pay here in Tuscaloosa as well as in our home town, and last I checked it was not $210 a week. So I then checked with the second daycare on my list and they were requesting $190 a week. Well, I was at a loss of what to do. First, being on a budget and about to have a newborn, I don't have several hundred dollars to be throwing away to daycares that I have never even been to, much less talked to anyone there. Second, Shane and I know what area we would like to live in, but it really does depend on where Shane gets a job. Third, I like to have a good gut feeling about something before I jump in, and it is hard for me to get that feeling being 10 hours away from Tomball and never stepping foot in the establishments. So I emailed my trusty friend Lorrie, who lives in The Woodlands, and asked her if these costs and fees are normal for the area, and she replied that they were and to also be prepared to pay a registration fee once they accept him. Then she offered to me something that is priceless. You see, she is a stay at home mom with a child in pre-K and one who just turned 2. Next year her oldest, Garrett, will be going to Kindergarten, so she offered to keep Camden until we find a daycare that we are comfortable with once we get there. So I talked to Shane about the whole situation, and we agreed, that we would wait until we moved to start the daycare hunt. I am certain that what ever we find will have a waiting list, and Lorrie is just fine with that and will keep Camden until he is accepted. Is that just not an awesome thing - and definitely a prayer answered. One less thing for me to worry about!! Lorrie, you have helped me tremendously through this pregnancy and we appreciate you more than you know!!!!
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