Shane's last day of school this week was Tuesday. Of course he did wonderful this semester as always. I am always so proud of his grades and know that he did the right thing in going back to school. Just one more semester, and he is done. (I am not sure who is more excited about that, him or me). The one thing I hate about the time between semesters is the fact that when I leave, he is still in bed. As a rule, the past few years it has bothered me a little, only because I wish it were me laying in that bed, but now that I am pregnant, it really bothers me since I stay tired!!!! No fault of Shane's, I am just jealous, which I know is not right!! I really should not complain about this because he does the laundry, cleans house (except for dusting which is our agreement), runs errands for me as needed and other things while he is off. I know how fortunate I am and really am grateful, just need to work on showing that more!!!
A funny little story - there is one particular doctor I work with that is in his 50's. I have always gotten along with him because I will give right back to him what he dishes out. Well, I usually work on the other side of the clinic, but today had to run over to the opposite side to deliver some paperwork, which is where he works. Well, here he comes walking down the hall and stops and just rubs and rubs my belly. I find it humorous, because if you knew him, he does not seem the type at all to do that. But he informed me today that it was like his kryptonite and he gained strength when he rubbed my belly. Well after that, he got out his stethoscope and wanted to listen. I told him he wasn't going to be able to hear anything, but he said he was listening to see if he heard a "Hook 'Em Horns" in there. So he put the stethoscope on my belly and said, "No, no Hook 'Em Horns, but I think I hear a Roll Tide. And if I listen really hard, there is a little Rammer Jammer in the back ground!" Well, let me just say, I think he may have a little wax in his ears, but only time will tell us that!!! ; )
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