Monday, December 28, 2009
33 Weeks 6 Days - 9th Appointment
Today I had my 9th OB appointment along with an ultrasound to check on Camden's growth since I measured small at my last office visit. He was being ornery with his hands and feet in front of his face, so no good pictures of him. He did measure right where he should have and according to the ultrasound weighs 4 pounds 12 ounces. He is head down, and what I thought was butt and feet, definitely are. I gained 2 more pounds, so am up to 24 pounds of weight gain. His heart rate was the slowest it has been at 125, but he was asleep, so not surprising to me. My fundal height was 30cm, which was 2 more than last time, but still less than the 32 to 36cm it should be. The next visit is on 01/12/10 at which time she will check me for strep B as well as do a vaginal exam - I can hardly wait!!! (UGH)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
33 Weeks 5 Days
Today my parents along with my Grandmother left for Texas. I cried, quiet a bit. They have visited here several times, but have never actually stayed here at our home and I really enjoyed them being here. I have said for quiet a few years now that one of the good things about aging is the relationship between me and my parents is really good - we are more friends than anything which is really great. Yesterday my mother and I went and did a little more shopping and she bought more things for Camden, including the changing pad, another crib sheet, and sheets for the pack-n-play. It was greatly appreciated!!!
After church, we ate lunch and headed to Birmingham to spend Christmas with Shane's family (from his mom's side). We went to his Pop Pop's and did dirty Santa with his family and were able to make it home with the gifts we took - which was our plan. We had some really good team work going and were able to still our gifts at the right time so as to "freeze" them so no one else could steal them from us!! Woo Hoo!! After that, we headed to his grandmother's and celebrated Christmas with her. It was a nice day and a lot of fun was had by all.
After church, we ate lunch and headed to Birmingham to spend Christmas with Shane's family (from his mom's side). We went to his Pop Pop's and did dirty Santa with his family and were able to make it home with the gifts we took - which was our plan. We had some really good team work going and were able to still our gifts at the right time so as to "freeze" them so no one else could steal them from us!! Woo Hoo!! After that, we headed to his grandmother's and celebrated Christmas with her. It was a nice day and a lot of fun was had by all.
Friday, December 25, 2009
33 Weeks 3 Days
Merry Christmas!!! It has been very nice being able to spend actual Christmas Day with my family - it has been a few years since that has happened. We had a relaxing day, opening gifts around noon and then getting supper together which consisted of a spiral cut ham, green beans, gourmet potatoes, crunchy cole slaw, and rolls. My mother made me a pecan pie, which is my favorite, since we did not have one at Thanksgiving.
As usual, we were very blessed this year. I received a Hobo wallet, which I wanted so that I could keep everything in it and throw it in the diaper bag versus carrying a purse as well as a diaper bag. I also received a new pair of tennis shoes, a digital picture frame, a book, and a few other items including money!! Camden also received a nice chunk of money, thanks to Mom and Dad - which I was told to buy things we needed for him. It was a very nice and unexpected surprise - aren't those always the best??? Everyone seemed to be very pleased with their presents which is always a good feeling. Shane received an Alabama belt, an Alabama tie, a Alabama ornament (see a trend here?) a Garmin, and a few other items.
Tomorrow Shane's parents will stop in Tuscaloosa to celebrate Christmas with us while on their way to Birmingham. They are bringing Connor so he can stay here for a week with us. We will be going to Birmingham ourselves on Sunday evening to celebrate Christmas with Shane's grandfather and aunts and uncles and also with his Maw Maw. Still lots of celebrating to do.
I hope everyone had a joyous Christmas and enjoyed their time with their families as well as remembering the real reason for the season!
As usual, we were very blessed this year. I received a Hobo wallet, which I wanted so that I could keep everything in it and throw it in the diaper bag versus carrying a purse as well as a diaper bag. I also received a new pair of tennis shoes, a digital picture frame, a book, and a few other items including money!! Camden also received a nice chunk of money, thanks to Mom and Dad - which I was told to buy things we needed for him. It was a very nice and unexpected surprise - aren't those always the best??? Everyone seemed to be very pleased with their presents which is always a good feeling. Shane received an Alabama belt, an Alabama tie, a Alabama ornament (see a trend here?) a Garmin, and a few other items.
Tomorrow Shane's parents will stop in Tuscaloosa to celebrate Christmas with us while on their way to Birmingham. They are bringing Connor so he can stay here for a week with us. We will be going to Birmingham ourselves on Sunday evening to celebrate Christmas with Shane's grandfather and aunts and uncles and also with his Maw Maw. Still lots of celebrating to do.
I hope everyone had a joyous Christmas and enjoyed their time with their families as well as remembering the real reason for the season!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
33 Weeks 2 Days
My parents have been here since Sunday and it has been so nice having them here!! They have been to Tuscaloosa several times prior to this since we have lived here, but they are usually in their motor coach. So this is actually the first time they have stayed in our house, and I much prefer it!!! On Tuesday, my parents drove to Nashville to meet my aunt and uncle at which time they picked up Grandma Key (my dad's mom). I am so glad and grateful that they will all be here to celebrate Christmas.
Now, anyone that knows the Key family knows how much we love Grandma Key's chicken and dumplings. They are the best and up to this point, I can not find any that taste better!! Well tonight, after a several years wait, we got them!!! At this particular point in my pregnancy I can not seem to "put down" as much food as normal, so I was disappointed I could not eat more, but I did enjoy them!! Thanks Grandma!!!
After dinner, we watched 'A Christmas Story'. That is one of Shane's favorites, and I had not even seen it until 2 years ago. My dad had never watched it either, so we watched it and of course laughed.
As for Camden, he is growing larger and my ribs are soooo sore!! He loves to lay on the right side of my belly, so the right ribs are experiencing more pain than the left. He is still head down with his butt being located right under my sternum. His movements are much more deliberate now since he is getting stronger, and can sometimes be very uncomfortable. But, I still find it amazing to watch and feel his movements. It is so hard to believe that he is due to be here in 7 weeks. I can hardly wait to meet him!!!
Now, anyone that knows the Key family knows how much we love Grandma Key's chicken and dumplings. They are the best and up to this point, I can not find any that taste better!! Well tonight, after a several years wait, we got them!!! At this particular point in my pregnancy I can not seem to "put down" as much food as normal, so I was disappointed I could not eat more, but I did enjoy them!! Thanks Grandma!!!
After dinner, we watched 'A Christmas Story'. That is one of Shane's favorites, and I had not even seen it until 2 years ago. My dad had never watched it either, so we watched it and of course laughed.
As for Camden, he is growing larger and my ribs are soooo sore!! He loves to lay on the right side of my belly, so the right ribs are experiencing more pain than the left. He is still head down with his butt being located right under my sternum. His movements are much more deliberate now since he is getting stronger, and can sometimes be very uncomfortable. But, I still find it amazing to watch and feel his movements. It is so hard to believe that he is due to be here in 7 weeks. I can hardly wait to meet him!!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
32 Weeks 3 Days
As of today, I finally have all my Christmas shopping done and the gifts are wrapped and under the tree. It is a good feeling and now I can focus on the company that we will be having over the next few weeks. I am looking forward to my Mom and Dad coming on Sunday and then they will go and meet my aunt and uncle and pick up my Grandma Key. I am really excited about having them here for Christmas - so nice to have family around.
Well, I must take some time to brag on what a good friend I have. I have talked about Lorrie before in my entries, but this time she has out done herself. First of all, she has sent Camden numerous things throughout my pregnancy. Even when we weren't sure of the sex of the child, she sent girl items, just knowing it was a girl. : ) Well, yesterday a box arrived addressed to Mr. Camden Hood. Inside of this box was a ton of stuff that he needs including gowns, receiving blankets, her favorite type of fingernail clippers she used with her children, an ear thermometer, newborn pacifiers, under shirts, and a travel diaper changing station. How blessed we were to receive these wonderful items!!! It is so nice to have a great friend who will give me all sorts of advice and who I can ask questions to without her thinking I am crazy!! (or perhaps she does think I am crazy but just doesn't let on to that....)

Another thing that Lorrie has done that has been such a relief and blessing for us, has to do with when we move back to Texas. I had asked my sister a few months ago for a list of daycares that her friends have used that are supposed to be good. She sent me a list and they each had websites that I could go and get an idea of what they were like and what their curriculum consisted of. Based on what I had seen, I picked the one I liked the best and emailed them regarding our situation of not being back in Texas until July or August. Of course they had a waiting list and requested a $100 fee to just put our name on the list. When I questioned about the cost of this particular daycare, it was $210 a week. I was in shock. I know what people pay here in Tuscaloosa as well as in our home town, and last I checked it was not $210 a week. So I then checked with the second daycare on my list and they were requesting $190 a week. Well, I was at a loss of what to do. First, being on a budget and about to have a newborn, I don't have several hundred dollars to be throwing away to daycares that I have never even been to, much less talked to anyone there. Second, Shane and I know what area we would like to live in, but it really does depend on where Shane gets a job. Third, I like to have a good gut feeling about something before I jump in, and it is hard for me to get that feeling being 10 hours away from Tomball and never stepping foot in the establishments. So I emailed my trusty friend Lorrie, who lives in The Woodlands, and asked her if these costs and fees are normal for the area, and she replied that they were and to also be prepared to pay a registration fee once they accept him. Then she offered to me something that is priceless. You see, she is a stay at home mom with a child in pre-K and one who just turned 2. Next year her oldest, Garrett, will be going to Kindergarten, so she offered to keep Camden until we find a daycare that we are comfortable with once we get there. So I talked to Shane about the whole situation, and we agreed, that we would wait until we moved to start the daycare hunt. I am certain that what ever we find will have a waiting list, and Lorrie is just fine with that and will keep Camden until he is accepted. Is that just not an awesome thing - and definitely a prayer answered. One less thing for me to worry about!! Lorrie, you have helped me tremendously through this pregnancy and we appreciate you more than you know!!!!
Well, I must take some time to brag on what a good friend I have. I have talked about Lorrie before in my entries, but this time she has out done herself. First of all, she has sent Camden numerous things throughout my pregnancy. Even when we weren't sure of the sex of the child, she sent girl items, just knowing it was a girl. : ) Well, yesterday a box arrived addressed to Mr. Camden Hood. Inside of this box was a ton of stuff that he needs including gowns, receiving blankets, her favorite type of fingernail clippers she used with her children, an ear thermometer, newborn pacifiers, under shirts, and a travel diaper changing station. How blessed we were to receive these wonderful items!!! It is so nice to have a great friend who will give me all sorts of advice and who I can ask questions to without her thinking I am crazy!! (or perhaps she does think I am crazy but just doesn't let on to that....)

Another thing that Lorrie has done that has been such a relief and blessing for us, has to do with when we move back to Texas. I had asked my sister a few months ago for a list of daycares that her friends have used that are supposed to be good. She sent me a list and they each had websites that I could go and get an idea of what they were like and what their curriculum consisted of. Based on what I had seen, I picked the one I liked the best and emailed them regarding our situation of not being back in Texas until July or August. Of course they had a waiting list and requested a $100 fee to just put our name on the list. When I questioned about the cost of this particular daycare, it was $210 a week. I was in shock. I know what people pay here in Tuscaloosa as well as in our home town, and last I checked it was not $210 a week. So I then checked with the second daycare on my list and they were requesting $190 a week. Well, I was at a loss of what to do. First, being on a budget and about to have a newborn, I don't have several hundred dollars to be throwing away to daycares that I have never even been to, much less talked to anyone there. Second, Shane and I know what area we would like to live in, but it really does depend on where Shane gets a job. Third, I like to have a good gut feeling about something before I jump in, and it is hard for me to get that feeling being 10 hours away from Tomball and never stepping foot in the establishments. So I emailed my trusty friend Lorrie, who lives in The Woodlands, and asked her if these costs and fees are normal for the area, and she replied that they were and to also be prepared to pay a registration fee once they accept him. Then she offered to me something that is priceless. You see, she is a stay at home mom with a child in pre-K and one who just turned 2. Next year her oldest, Garrett, will be going to Kindergarten, so she offered to keep Camden until we find a daycare that we are comfortable with once we get there. So I talked to Shane about the whole situation, and we agreed, that we would wait until we moved to start the daycare hunt. I am certain that what ever we find will have a waiting list, and Lorrie is just fine with that and will keep Camden until he is accepted. Is that just not an awesome thing - and definitely a prayer answered. One less thing for me to worry about!! Lorrie, you have helped me tremendously through this pregnancy and we appreciate you more than you know!!!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
31 Weeks, 6 Days
On Saturday, Shane and I went to our first birthing class. There were probably 6 or so couples there for the class. The teacher discussed the different stages of labor, contractions, labor plans, and other odds and ends. She then showed us a video that showed 5 different ladies giving birth naturally. Shane "rested his eyes" through the part of the woman talking, (which she wasn't the most interesting speaker) but was awake for the video. We then went for a tour of the labor and delivery unit so we would all be acquainted with where we will be. All in all, it was a lot of what I already knew, but was good to have a refresher.
After our class, Shane and I went and did some Christmas shopping here in Tuscaloosa. It is not that we have too much shopping left to do, but we do have a few people to buy for that we have no idea what to get. Well, to be honest, we did not get too much accomplished at all. After church on Sunday we headed to Birmingham to try shopping again, and again, not much accomplished. So hopefully, something will get accomplished this week - I am just waiting on some good ideas....
While Shane and I were in Dick's Sporting Goods, I was trying on some shoes. As I was waiting for the salesman to bring out a pair of shoes to me, there was a woman sitting next to me also waiting for shoes. She looked at me and asked when I was due. I told her February 9th and her response was, "You are so small!" Now, how was I supposed to respond to that???? I just said "Thank you" of course after making a comment that I feel huge. But seriously, what is a person supposed to say to that. Is it really a compliment or do people think to themselves that I must not be taking care of myself and giving my child what he needs? I honestly didn't and still don't know what to think about it, but it definitely is not the first time I have heard that comment. Oh well, so long as I know I am doing everything I should be doing to give Camden everything he needs at this time, I will just have to accept their comments and keep on going!
After our class, Shane and I went and did some Christmas shopping here in Tuscaloosa. It is not that we have too much shopping left to do, but we do have a few people to buy for that we have no idea what to get. Well, to be honest, we did not get too much accomplished at all. After church on Sunday we headed to Birmingham to try shopping again, and again, not much accomplished. So hopefully, something will get accomplished this week - I am just waiting on some good ideas....
While Shane and I were in Dick's Sporting Goods, I was trying on some shoes. As I was waiting for the salesman to bring out a pair of shoes to me, there was a woman sitting next to me also waiting for shoes. She looked at me and asked when I was due. I told her February 9th and her response was, "You are so small!" Now, how was I supposed to respond to that???? I just said "Thank you" of course after making a comment that I feel huge. But seriously, what is a person supposed to say to that. Is it really a compliment or do people think to themselves that I must not be taking care of myself and giving my child what he needs? I honestly didn't and still don't know what to think about it, but it definitely is not the first time I have heard that comment. Oh well, so long as I know I am doing everything I should be doing to give Camden everything he needs at this time, I will just have to accept their comments and keep on going!
Friday, December 11, 2009
31 Weeks, 3 Days - 8th Appointment
I am now going every two weeks to the OB doctor. I gained 2 more pounds and am up to a total of 22 lbs. Camden's heart rate today was 140 and my fundal height was 28cm, which means I am measuring a little small. So at my next visit, which is set for December 28th, she is doing an ultrasound to make sure that Camden is growing just as he should. She did not really seemed concerned since he measured just fine during his last ultrasound. I am glad I will be having that ultrasound because I am certain it is his foot kicking me in my ribs, but then I always feel something big and hard right under my sternum, which I guess is his hiney. It will just be nice to see that he is doing what he needs to do in there during these last few weeks.
While at my doctor's appointment, I asked her about traveling. My parents, as well as my Grandma Key, are coming sometime around December 20th and staying until the 26th or 27th. Shane's parents are coming to Alabama around December 26th and then heading to Georgia to celebrate Christmas with the Hoods. So I asked her about us going to Georgia and she said I would be OK to go since I was only 34 weeks. She said she just really doesn't want me to travel after 35 weeks. So, looks like a busy holiday season for us!!!
Tomorrow is our first birthing class at the hospital. That ought to be interesting!!! LOL - I will definitely do an update about that!!

While at my doctor's appointment, I asked her about traveling. My parents, as well as my Grandma Key, are coming sometime around December 20th and staying until the 26th or 27th. Shane's parents are coming to Alabama around December 26th and then heading to Georgia to celebrate Christmas with the Hoods. So I asked her about us going to Georgia and she said I would be OK to go since I was only 34 weeks. She said she just really doesn't want me to travel after 35 weeks. So, looks like a busy holiday season for us!!!
Tomorrow is our first birthing class at the hospital. That ought to be interesting!!! LOL - I will definitely do an update about that!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
31 Weeks, 2 Days
I must start with congratulating my good friends from church, Sarah and Chandler Overcash, on the birth of their baby girl, Noah Catherine. She is absolutely beautiful. Sarah was exactly nine weeks ahead of me in our pregnancies, so it has been a lot of fun (and help) comparing and contrasting our pregnancies. Now, if my birth could be as easy as hers, I am ready!!!!
Shane's last day of school this week was Tuesday. Of course he did wonderful this semester as always. I am always so proud of his grades and know that he did the right thing in going back to school. Just one more semester, and he is done. (I am not sure who is more excited about that, him or me). The one thing I hate about the time between semesters is the fact that when I leave, he is still in bed. As a rule, the past few years it has bothered me a little, only because I wish it were me laying in that bed, but now that I am pregnant, it really bothers me since I stay tired!!!! No fault of Shane's, I am just jealous, which I know is not right!! I really should not complain about this because he does the laundry, cleans house (except for dusting which is our agreement), runs errands for me as needed and other things while he is off. I know how fortunate I am and really am grateful, just need to work on showing that more!!!
A funny little story - there is one particular doctor I work with that is in his 50's. I have always gotten along with him because I will give right back to him what he dishes out. Well, I usually work on the other side of the clinic, but today had to run over to the opposite side to deliver some paperwork, which is where he works. Well, here he comes walking down the hall and stops and just rubs and rubs my belly. I find it humorous, because if you knew him, he does not seem the type at all to do that. But he informed me today that it was like his kryptonite and he gained strength when he rubbed my belly. Well after that, he got out his stethoscope and wanted to listen. I told him he wasn't going to be able to hear anything, but he said he was listening to see if he heard a "Hook 'Em Horns" in there. So he put the stethoscope on my belly and said, "No, no Hook 'Em Horns, but I think I hear a Roll Tide. And if I listen really hard, there is a little Rammer Jammer in the back ground!" Well, let me just say, I think he may have a little wax in his ears, but only time will tell us that!!! ; )
Shane's last day of school this week was Tuesday. Of course he did wonderful this semester as always. I am always so proud of his grades and know that he did the right thing in going back to school. Just one more semester, and he is done. (I am not sure who is more excited about that, him or me). The one thing I hate about the time between semesters is the fact that when I leave, he is still in bed. As a rule, the past few years it has bothered me a little, only because I wish it were me laying in that bed, but now that I am pregnant, it really bothers me since I stay tired!!!! No fault of Shane's, I am just jealous, which I know is not right!! I really should not complain about this because he does the laundry, cleans house (except for dusting which is our agreement), runs errands for me as needed and other things while he is off. I know how fortunate I am and really am grateful, just need to work on showing that more!!!
A funny little story - there is one particular doctor I work with that is in his 50's. I have always gotten along with him because I will give right back to him what he dishes out. Well, I usually work on the other side of the clinic, but today had to run over to the opposite side to deliver some paperwork, which is where he works. Well, here he comes walking down the hall and stops and just rubs and rubs my belly. I find it humorous, because if you knew him, he does not seem the type at all to do that. But he informed me today that it was like his kryptonite and he gained strength when he rubbed my belly. Well after that, he got out his stethoscope and wanted to listen. I told him he wasn't going to be able to hear anything, but he said he was listening to see if he heard a "Hook 'Em Horns" in there. So he put the stethoscope on my belly and said, "No, no Hook 'Em Horns, but I think I hear a Roll Tide. And if I listen really hard, there is a little Rammer Jammer in the back ground!" Well, let me just say, I think he may have a little wax in his ears, but only time will tell us that!!! ; )
Sunday, December 6, 2009
30 Weeks, 5 Days
Let me start by saying Hook 'Em Horns and Roll Tide!!! January 7th, the National Championship Game, is going to be a tough day in the Hood household. I am torn, as you could imagine. Since I went to the University of Texas, and up until I met Shane, they were the only team I really cared about. But now that I have spent 2 1/2 years in Tuscaloosa, and our money goes to that school, I feel quiet a bond to the University of Alabama. But Texas is my home and I am sure I will be wearing burnt orange that day, but I can only imagine that I will be rooting for both. Needless to say, it will be interesting!!!
On Wednesday evening I went ahead and wrapped the majority of the Christmas gifts that we have purchased. The main reason I went ahead and did it was two fold. One, the Christmas tree, which I put up on Sunday, looked bare without gifts under it, and second, Shelbe (being blind) kept getting lost under it. Now if we could just figure out what to get a few people left on our list, I would feel better about Christmas being right around the corner!!
On Saturday morning, I tried to work on the nursery, but did not get to much accomplished except that his crib bedding is washed and ready for him to sleep in it. I really need to buy some Dreft and get some of his clothes washed and put away, and then I think I will feel like I have got something accomplished. Later that day, Shane and I went with one of his school mates to Wings, a sports type bar and grill, and watched the University of Alabama beat the Florida Gators. It was nice to go to a place where every one was loud and into the game, so Shane fit right in!!! : )
On Wednesday evening I went ahead and wrapped the majority of the Christmas gifts that we have purchased. The main reason I went ahead and did it was two fold. One, the Christmas tree, which I put up on Sunday, looked bare without gifts under it, and second, Shelbe (being blind) kept getting lost under it. Now if we could just figure out what to get a few people left on our list, I would feel better about Christmas being right around the corner!!
On Saturday morning, I tried to work on the nursery, but did not get to much accomplished except that his crib bedding is washed and ready for him to sleep in it. I really need to buy some Dreft and get some of his clothes washed and put away, and then I think I will feel like I have got something accomplished. Later that day, Shane and I went with one of his school mates to Wings, a sports type bar and grill, and watched the University of Alabama beat the Florida Gators. It was nice to go to a place where every one was loud and into the game, so Shane fit right in!!! : )
How our baby is growing:
Our baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and he weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds him, but that volume will decrease as he gets bigger and takes up more room in my uterus. His eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after he's born, he'll keep his eyes closed for a good part of the day. When he does open them, he'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means he can only make out objects a few inches from his face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)
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